Police Arrest Izet Perpetrator Of Extortion For Truck Drivers In The Viral Semen Padang Area

PADANG - The West Sumatra (West Sumatra) Police team arrested the perpetrators of illegal levies accompanied by violence against truck drivers in the PT Semen Padang area which went viral on social media.

Director of General Crime of the West Sumatra Police Kombes Imam Kabut Sariadi said the perpetrator was arrested in Nagari Sulayang, Salimpaung District, Tanah Datar Regency on Thursday, July 15 morning.

This perpetrator had fled after a video of him hitting a truck driver went viral on social media

After learning that the video was viral, the saber extortion task force under the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the West Sumatra Police immediately moved to collect information.

In the initial stage, his party went to the house of the perpetrator and his father-in-law who were in the city of Padang.

"We went there to look for information and it turned out that all access was closed regarding the whereabouts of the perpetrators," said Kombes Imam, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 15.

A number of information related to the whereabouts of the perpetrators were obtained by officers, the perpetrator Izet was known to have fled to Solok and Riau.

His party went directly to Solok City and developed the information, but the results were not correct.

Likewise, the truth about Izet's escape to Riau was also not found. After that, there is more information, this perpetrator was seen in Tanah Datar.

"In principle, every time we receive information, we respond immediately," continued Kombes Imam.

The team moved to Tanah Datar on Wednesday, July 14 at around 19:00 WIB and found the perpetrator staying at his cousin's house.

"Before the arrest, we coordinated with the wali korong and others, but after the permit was obtained, the perpetrator fled to the Kebuncabaiy area, which is there," he said.

Kombes Imam said that the team that did not control the field had difficulty catching Izet that night around 23.00 WIB.

"There was no information and difficult conditions, so I ordered the team to stay until morning. At exactly 05.30 WIB, Izet was found in a hut there and we arrested her," he said.

Kombes Imam said that the perpetrator of blaming a truck driver in the PT Semen Padang area, namely Izet, whose video went viral on social media, was categorized as an act of illegal levies and was suspected of violating Article 368 of the Criminal Code, which carries a sentence of nine years in prison.

The article is alleged because the perpetrators forced people with violence and threats of violence so that people gave something they had.

But the police will explore other articles in this case. "This is still under investigation, we will explore it again for another article," he said.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the bullying, threats and violence, Izet apologized to all parties due to the actions he had taken against the PT Semen Padang truck driver which went viral through social media videos.

"I apologize to the driver I hit. I am sorry and will not repeat it again," he said.

The perpetrator made a promise to himself that he would not do it again. According to him, while on the run he was unable to see social media and was very depressed because the video went viral.

"I can't watch the video, it was a mistake that I made. I'm sorry," said the perpetrator.