The Crocodile That Appeared In Tukad Sangsang Gianyar Found Dead

GIANYAR - A female crocodile that had disturbed anglers at the mouth of the Sangsang River, Gianyar Regency, Bali, was found dead.

The crocodile measuring about 1 meter was found dead in a net that had been installed by officers.

"Gianyar Balawista, village officials, Gianyar Police and the local community carried out the burial of an estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) on the banks of Tukad Sangsang," said Head of the Bali KSDA Center R. Agus Budi Santosa, Thursday, July 15.

This crocodile originally appeared on July 9 last week. Residents report to officers.

"Finally, the BKSDA team together with Balawista Gianyar installed nets with the aim of making it easier to catch," he added.

Officers then put the net with the help of a boat on a river branch with a depth of about 2 meters. However, at that time, officers conducted a search for the presence of crocodiles upstream of the river branch but had not found the crocodile they were looking for.

"The team's search for crocodiles in the next few days has not yielded results because the river water has not receded. However, the nets installed are still in their original positions. The Bali Bksda team and Balawista have routinely monitored the net installation locations and the bait and trap cages installed. estuarine crocodile," said Santosa.

Today, officers received information from the public about an estuarine crocodile caught in a net in Tukad Sangsang at 12.00 WITA.

Next, officers arrived at Tukad Sangsang and found the estuarine crocodile dead because it was caught in a net installed on a river branch and the water was receding.

"It can be concluded that the estuarine crocodile died because it could not be separated from the net's entanglement. Furthermore, together with village officials, Gianyar police personnel and the community, they worked together to bury the estuarine crocodile on the edge of Tukad Sangsang," said Santosa.