Arief Poyuono: Minister Of Health Trying To Get Rid Of Bodies Calls Airlangga's Paid Vaccine Idea

JAKARTA - Gerindra politician Arief Poyuono criticized the attitude of Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin who was considered to have shifted the responsibility to the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto in a paid vaccination program or mutual cooperation.

"Minister of Health, Budi Sadikin, who tried to excrete the body related to the paid mutual cooperation vaccine. (Menkes, ed) said the idea of a paid mutual cooperation vaccine from the office of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, who is also the Chair of KPCPEN, was then reported to President Jokowi," said Arief Poyuono in his statement, Thursday. , July 15.

Arief Poyuono assesses that the current Minister of Health does not understand the health sector. Therefore, he asked Budi to resign from the position of Minister of Health because he wanted to find safety on his own and was not cohesive in the advanced Indonesian cabinet.

"It's been proven, really, with hospitals that are full and lack of oxygen everywhere and many victims of the Covid pandemic are not being served properly," explained Arief.

The general chairman of the United State-Owned Enterprises Federation of Labor Unions assessed that the paid mutual aid vaccine should have been mutually agreed upon. Because according to him, the self-vaccination program is the result of a decision and cooperation between the heads of the ministries.

Moreover, said Arief Poyuono, the aim of the paid vaccination program is for the overall vaccination to run quickly and to create communal immunity or herd immunity.

"The paid mutual cooperation vaccine is intended for workers in companies and as a program to assist the government in tackling COVID-19 through a vaccination program that seems very slow to be carried out by the Ministry of Health," he said.

Previously, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin explained the origin of the mutual cooperation vaccine for individuals, aka the paid COVID-19 vaccine. Budi said the policy began with a meeting on June 26 at the Ministry of Economy's office, which was initiated by the COVID-19 Handling Committee and National Economic Recovery.

"To provide a background, ladies and gentlemen, on June 26 there was a meeting at the Ministry of Economy at the initiative of KPC-PEN, seeing that the speed of mutual cooperation vaccination really needs to be increased," said Minister of Health Budi in a working meeting with Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Tuesday, 13 July.