Emergency PPKM Blocking Shift Scheme Ineffective, Police: First Day Still Trying

JAKARTA - The shift allocation scheme for the implementation of the isolation policy during the emergency PPKM period is considered less effective.

In this scheme, people who are included in the essential and critical sectors are only allowed to pass through the blocking point starting at 06.00-10.00 WIB. After that time, they are not allowed to pass.

Then, for 10.00-22.00 WIB, it is only intended for health workers, nurses, TNI-Polri, and emergency vehicles. Finally, at 22.00-06.00 WIB, the blocking point will be re-opened.

The scheme is not effective because after 10.00 WIB there are still many people passing through the blocking points.

Responding to this condition, the Director of Traffic of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yugo said that the implementation of the emergency PPKM locking hour shift scheme has so far adjusted to conditions on the ground.

"Yes, this is the first day the policy is being tried," Sambodo told reporters, Thursday, July 15.

In addition, Sambodo also said that the scheme was still in the socialization stage. Moreover, the officers at the isolation point also saw the urgency of each worker.

"Yes, that's right, each driver is selected to see the situation. Yes, look at the development, but the general direction is like that (time division). But later friends (officers) in the field can see what the situation is," said Sambodo

Currently, Polda Metro Jaya has added blocking points in the Jakarta area and its surroundings. There are 100 blocking points in total.