10 Popular Types Of Plants For Bonsai

JAKARTA – Caring for plants has tremendous benefits, especially if you take care of plants that can live for decades, such as bonsai. Bonsai plants are claimed to be plants that can grow patience.

How not, in the process of making it at least 3 to 5 years will see the results. Bonsai plants come from Japan with a cultivation process or stunting.

The process needs to be done calculatively or full calculation. Even planning to form a branch also needs to be thought out carefully.

Are you interested in caring for or making bonsai at home? Here is a list of popular plants for bonsai.

1. Draw bonsai

This type of shaved plant is also known as Sandpaper tree and belongs to the Moraceae or jackfruit family. The Latin name of this plant with small leaves is Streblus asper Lour.

Illustration of types of shaved bonsai (Pexels/Todd Trapani)

Originally, this plant can grow 4-15 meters. But because it is a bonsai plant, the branches are sturdy and grow small.

2. Bonsai ficus or banyan

Beringai type plants or with Ficus benjamina are most often known as bonsai plants. What is unique about the banyan bonsai plant is that the tree roots make it look more beautiful and sturdy.

3. Bonsai juniper

Any type of juniper plant, including juniper berry, is perfect for bonsai ornamental plants. But because this plant doesn't like indoors, you can place it on your patio or outside where it gets enough light and keeps the soil dry.

Illustration of a juniper bonsai type (Pexels/Quang Nguyen Vinh)

The leaves of juniper are small, like spruce or pine. That is, for bonsai plants will look beautiful and luxurious.

4. Coconut Bonsai

Uniquely, the coconut bonsai is in the form of a coconut fruit and roots as the foundation of the plant. It grows vertically with a few smaller leaves when compared to coconut trees growing on the beach. To make it, you can start by seeding coconuts and placing them in a damp place.

In addition, caring for them also requires knowledge and thoroughness so that they are not malnourished and grow beautiful.

5. Maple Bonsai

Types of maple plants generally have reddish leaf colors, ranging from reddish orange to fanta red. In certain seasons, this plant will change its color.

Maple bonsai need a lot of water to thrive, so it is best to place it near a water source such as the edge of a pond or fountain in the garden.

6. Bonsai ficus ginseng

Like other ficus trees, ficus ginseng is a very adaptable plant. If placed indoors, the ficus ginseng bonsai can grow well. This plant likes a warm climate and gets enough light but not directly exposed to the sun.

Illustration of a type of bonsai ficus ginseng (Pexels/Elina Crimea)
7. Cedar Bonsai

For bonsai enthusiasts, cedar trees are popular because they have a unique texture on the bark of the tree. The bark of the tree is rough and the leaves are pointed like needles.

There are four species of cedar, including Lebanese, Cypriot cedar, Himalayan cedar, and Atlas cedar. The four species are generally used for bonsai.

8. Bonsai azaleas

Types of shrubs such as azalea plants when flowering look more beautiful. Even without flowering bonsai plants have their own beauty. The color of the leaves is light green, so it looks unique.

9. Bonsai Bougenville

Because the bougainvillea plant is classified as a cambium plant, it is very possible to become a bonsai plant. Bougenville belongs to the class Magnoliopsida and species Bougainvillea sp..

Illustration of the type of bougainvillea bonsai (Unsplash/Devin H)

Of the total 14 species, 8 of them are in Indonesia. This means that you can choose from a variety of flower colors, ranging from pink, white, magenta, and yellow.

10. Bonsai grapes

Grape leaves have a unique texture and shape, not to mention if they are fruitful. The vine can be a bonsai because this plant has a high adaptability. Able to be exposed to the sun and survive in the dry season.

Which types of plants are popular for bonsai and which are you most interested in?