When The First Apple Computer, The Apple-1 Was Created

JAKARTA - On April 11, 1976, Apple released its first computer, the Apple-1. Designed and made by Steve Wozniak himself, the computer was later sold by Steve Jobs. However, in order to mass produce it, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs had to face various obstacles.

Launching The Vintage , Saturday, April 11, about a month before the release of the Apple-1, the smart duo presented Wozniak's handcrafted computer at the Homebrew Computer Club in Silicon Valley. After making a presentation, Steve Jobs then approached a local computer shop, Byte Shop, in an attempt to sell their computers.

Steve Jobs's efforts paid off. He was awarded a contract to sell 50 computers at the shop, for a total of US $ 25,000. Then, the only thing left to do is get funds to manufacture their first product.

Because they had limited funds, Steve Wozniak sold his HP 65 Calculator and Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen van. Unfortunately, they are still short of around US $ 15,000 in spare parts costs.

An old friend agreed to loan them $ 5,000 and Jobs asked for a loan at the bank. Unfortunately, the bank refused to apply for this loan. But Jobs's enthusiasm for the creation of the first Apple computer kept things going.

Jobs then decided to go to a computer parts store and offer them an equity stake in Apple with the parts they needed. The shop owner refused, saying that he would sell the parts they need if paid in advance.

Jobs' persistence finally paid off when he managed to convince the manager of the computer parts shop to contact Paul Terrell, owner of Byte Shop, to confirm a claim that he had received an order for $ 25,000. Finally the Steve duo got the parts they need with 30 days credit after Terrell's confirmation.

The original Apple-1 computer was purchased by Byte Shop and sold at an unusual price of $ 666.66 per unit. Wozniak said that price had nothing to do with devil worship. Woznik added that he chose this price only because he liked repeating numbers

About 200 units were sold by Byte Shop through September 1977. The Apple II was introduced in April 1977 and the success of the Apple-1 helped significantly in the promotion of the Apple II. In 2014, the Apple-1 was auctioned for US $ 905,000.