Polda Metro Bongkar Sindikat TIP Modus Kerja Di Cambodia
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya revealed a criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO) mode of offering work in Cambodia. In this case, seven people were named as suspects.
"The mode of crime is a criminal act of trafficking in persons. We have arrested 7 suspects in this case," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Rovan Richard Mahenu to reporters, Tuesday, December 17. But it was not conveyed in detail about the identities of the suspects. Because, the development process is still being carried out.
Rovan only said that the suspects carried out their actions by negotiating their work as admins for the buying and selling site. Of course, with a large salary.
The suspects also helped the victim take care of administrative requirements until he finally worked in Cambodia.
"Finally the victim agreed and went there with the help of the process from the beginning to the departure to the end of his office in the Phnom Penh Cambodia area," he said.
With the disclosure of the syndicate's crime series, investigators will look for the whereabouts of other victims.
Meanwhile, from the results of coordination with the National Police's International Relations Division (Divhubinter), several Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were victims of TIP asked for help to be sent home from Cambodia.
"The next step is for us to find the victims they sent to Cambodia," said Rovan.