Police: Traffic Accidents Starting From Violations
The Head of Korlantas Polri, Inspector General of Police Aan Suhanan, reminded the public to comply with traffic rules, adding that traffic accidents often begin with traffic violations.
"Rumusnya, kecelakaan lintas selalu dimulai oleh pelanggaran lalu lintas. Bagaimana kita menghentikan kecelakaan lalu lintas? Keikuti peraturan, ikuti aturan lintas," kata Aan dalam kegiatan Retrospeksi Mengemang Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas di Pos Polisi Bundaran HI, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu.
Korlantas Polri continues to make various efforts ranging from appeals, education to prosecution and based on evaluation, for the January-November 2024 period, the fatal accident rate fell to 400 accidents compared to the January-November 2023 period.
"Then there was a decrease in the death toll, compared to last year, January to November, there was a decrease of more than 400. This means that there are more than 400 lives that we can save," he said.
Aan said the ranks of the Korlantas Polri together with all relevant stakeholders will continue to campaign for traffic order for the safety of all parties, especially road users.
"If we promote this campaign, we convey it to the entire community, God willing, the decline will be even more massive," he said.
According to statistics, said Aan, traffic accidents are the third highest cause of death in the world after HIV-Aids and tuberculosis. Therefore, traffic accidents should not be underestimated and should be of concern to all parties.
During the retrospection activity, Korlantas also distributed wheelchairs and prosthetic legs to accident victims who had permanent disabilities.