Newly Inaugurated, Director General Of EBTKE Explains Strategy To Pursue 23 Percent EBT Mix Target

JAKARTA - Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) Eniya Listiani Dewi revealed a number of strategies that will be carried out by the Directorate General of Natural EBTKE pursuing the target of the New and Renewable Energy mix (EBT) of 23 percent by 2025.

Eniya said that his party would still carry out mapping to ensure the potential for EBT in each region. Moreover, he said, mapping the potential of EBT per region that has been carried out so far has not been detailed.

"What is there now is that the data is not detailed, so we have not targeted the right one," said Eniya to the media crew after the inauguration at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Thursday, March 14.

Eniya menjadi saat ini belum ada detail terkait daerah mana saja yang perlu digenjot potensi pembangkit listrik daya air atau hydro. Semtara itu saat ini pihaknya masih harus melakukan pengawasan terhadap penambahan potensi EBT sebesar 20 GW yang tercatat dalam Rencana Usaha Penyadiaan Listrik (RUPTL) PLN pada tahun 2024.

"It must really be escorted. In 2024 it must run. So address it first. I'm listing up first. Learn a lot that can be accelerated briefly and the target is 23 percent in 2025 which is 1.5 years away," explained Eniya.

To pursue the remaining 1.5 years of targets, he said, it is necessary to supervise and commit which energy potential needs to be boosted further.

"We have to guard it together. I think if we discuss experiences with the industry, they also pay attention to the direction of the government so that they want it to contribute to reducing emissions," he concluded.