AHY Is Happy To Be Called Puan Entering The PDIP Radar To Be A Candidate For Ganjar's Vice Presidential Candidate
Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Puan Maharani said the Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) was included in the ranks of candidates for vice presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election. This made the son of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia smile when he heard it.
The moment occurred after Puan and AHY met in the Plataran area, Senayan, Central Jakarta today, Sunday, June 18. Initially, the chairman of the DPR RI discussed a name that might accompany Ganjar.
"The names that I mentioned at that time. One of the readings of the vice president, Mas AHY from the Democratic Party, was also on the PDI-P radar," said Puan, greeted by AHY's smile sitting next to her.
Even so, Puan denied that AHY had given a proposal to become Ganjar's vice presidential candidate in the closed meeting. Moreover, decisions cannot be taken carelessly.
"If the proposal is as if (bringing, red) black and white paper has writing, that this (agreement, ed) of all kinds. No," he said.
All developments will be observed by PDIP later. "Who matches the PDI-P, who is suitable for the PDI-P presidential reading, Mas Ganjar Pranowo, then of course there must be a common vision and mission," he said.
Meanwhile, AHY did not talk about his name on the radar of Ganjar's vice presidential candidate. He only said PDIP understood the condition of the Democratic Party joining the Change Coalition.
The coalition is a combination of the NasDem Party, the Democratic Party, and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) to carry the former Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan.
However, these two parties agreed to want the 2024 General Election to run well and peacefully. "There is no division, no polarization or very violent clash between the people or the Indonesian people themselves," he said.
"PDIP and Democrats are both nationalists, merah putih pancasilais, and of course we don't want there to be divisions between us because politics is temporary. Therefore, we can find many things that we can find in common," concluded AHY.