
The Governor of the Riau Islands (Kepri), Ansar Ahmad, is considering buying domestically made aircraft products N-219 for inter-island air transportation needs in the area.

"The price of the N219 aircraft is around Rp. 100 billion. If seven regencies/cities throughout the Riau Islands Province are joint, I think we can buy them," said Governor Ansar while testing the N219 aircraft at Raja Haji Fisabilillah Airport (RHF) Tanjungpinang reported by ANTARA, Saturday, June 17.

After that, said Ansar, his party was just looking for cooperation partners for the operations and management of the N219 aircraft operation.

Another alternative, according to him, could also be a business model in the form of leasing or leasing an N219 aircraft rental.

"Our current focus is to discuss whether to buy or rent an N219 aircraft to answer the needs of inter-island connections in Riau Islands. We'll see which one is more effective," said Ansar.

Ansar said the presence of the N219 aircraft had long been awaited by Riau Islands residents to shorten the control range for the region consisting of thousands of islands.

So far, he continued, the Riau Islands community's mainstay is only sea transportation with a long period of time from one region to another.

Ansar explained that the N219 aircraft are ideal for the reach of certain areas, such as Natuna Island and Anambas, because they have 19 seats.

In addition, this aircraft is also very good and representative with a high level of safety. When one engine goes out, one other engine can still work.

"The level of domestic components on this aircraft is 46 percent, so it maximizes the domestic industry more," said Ansar.

Ansar also hopes for central government support through the assistance of special allocation funds (DAK) to realize commercial flights for N219 aircraft in Riau Islands, Bumi Segangang Lada.

He is also optimistic that the presence of the N219 aircraft can improve the Riau Islands economy, especially in the tourism sector.

"We really welcome it, because the central government has made the Riau Islands pilot project commercialization of the N219 aircraft produced by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI)," said Ansar.

Director of Commerce, Technology & Development of PT DI, Mohamad Arif Faisal, said that the N219 Market Survey Flight activity is one of PTDI's efforts in carrying out the domestic N219 aircraft commercialization process, which of course can also support economic transformation programs in Riau Islands, especially in increasing regional connectivity, as well as encouraging the acceleration of regional development.

"This is also part of our commitment to continue to develop and present innovative, efficient and reliable products to strengthen the Defend ID ecosystem," said Mohamad Arif Faisal.

The N219 aircraft was specially developed to support the construction of 3TP regional connectivity and accessibility (Disadvantaged, Remote, Outermost and Border) with the ability ofShort Take Off Landing on the runway which is less than 800 meters long and not paved.

"In its utilization, N219 aircraft can be used with various configurations according to user needs, both for passenger transportation, logistics, and medical evacuation and flying doctor," he said.