BPK Voices The Risk Of Blue Economy And Artificial Intelligence At India's G20 Forum

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Isma Yatun revealed that the development of information technology and the progress of today's times poses a separate risk to the financial sector.

This was conveyed in the G20 Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) agenda which took place in India.

"SAI needs to work closely together in dealing with challenges and risks in the field of blue economy and artificial intelligence," he said in a written statement today, Thursday, June 15.

According to Isma, this dynamic requires the government, regulators, and business practitioners to further increase professional work.

"We encourage transparency and accountability of state finances, the results of SAI20 must also be in line with the previous G20 Agenda, SAI20 Communique, and INTOSAI Global Voice," said Isma.

On the same occasion, the Chairman of the Indian Audit Agency or the Comptroler and Auditor General of India emphasized that the examining body plays an important role in blue economy and responsive artificial intelligence to ensure good governance, transparency and accountability, as well as optimizing its positive impact on life.

"The G20 Indian Sherpa (financial pathway meeting) said that SAI20's priority was very relevant to the G20 theme of the Indian Presidency," he said.

It is also stated that the role of SAI is very important in convincing resources to be used effectively and efficiently to increase public trust.

"We express our appreciation for the implementation of the SAI20 Summit as a continuation of Indonesia which has a strong relationship with India," he said.

To note, SAI20 is the G20 Engagement Group which was formed in 2022 in Bali during the G20 Indonesia Presidency.

On the Island of the Gods, the countries that are members have succeeded in agreeing on the first Communique with three priority issues, namely gobal health architecture, sustainable energy transition, and digital transformation.

As a continuation, SAI20 Summit in 2023 which was attended by 8 SAI members of the G20 and 9 SAI countries outside the G20 as an invitee, resulted in a Communique on blue economy and a responsive artificial intelligence.

In addition, Summit officially published Compendium on the theme.