The billboard tax is a payment that must be paid in order to obtain a billboard permit. If you don't pay the billboard tax, be ready, your billboards or banners will be lowered. Want to know the billboard tax rate?
In Jakarta, billboard taxes are regulated in Regulation No. 12 of 2011 concerning Reclame Taxes. In the regulation, it is explained that the billboard tax is levies imposed on all billboards. We generally identify billboards with large advertising media that are placed in zones that are often passed by the general public, such as the side of the highway. Reclames usually contain data with large and interesting illustrations.
However, what types of billboards are sourced from the law? In the DKI Jakarta Reclame Tax Regulation, it is stated that billboards are goods, equipment, actions, or media whose forms and patterns of salt are designed for commercial purposes introducing, suggesting, promoting, or to attract universal attention to goods, services, people, or bodies, which can be seen, read, heard, experienced, and/or enjoyed universally.
The Subject And Object Of The Reclame Tax
The subject of the billboard tax is an individual or body that uses the billboard. On the other hand, the object of the billboard tax is:
In addition to the billboard tax object, there are also those that do not include the billboard tax object, including:
In Jakarta, the billboard tax rate is regulated through Regulation No. 12 of 2011, concerning the Reclame Tax. The tariff imposed for billboards is 25%. Outside Jakarta, this provision is widely adapted to be applied in their respective areas.
Then, what is the method of calculating the billboard tax? To calculate it, we must first recognize the NSR tariff. The following is an example of the NSR tariff in Jakarta
TariffNSR Reclaim For Products
Road Class
Airing Duration
Reclame Tax Rates
Protocol A
/ Meter / day
IDR 125,000,-
Protocol B
/ Meter / day
IDR 120,000,-
Protocol C
/ Meter / day
IDR 75,000,-
Economy I
/ Meter / day
IDR 50,000,-
Economy II
/ Meter / day
IDR 25.000,-
Economy III
/ Meter / day
IDR 15.000,-
/ Meter / day
IDR 10.000,-
NSR Reclame Tariffs For Non-Product
Road Class
Airing Duration
Reclame Tax Rates
Protocol A
/ Meter / day
IDR 25.000,-
Protocol B
/ Meter / day
IDR 20,000
Protocol C
/ Meter / day
IDR 15.000,-
Economy I
/ Meter / day
IDR 10.000,-
Economy II
/ Meter / day
IDR 5.000,-
Economy III
/ Meter / day
IDR 3.000,-
/ Meter / day
IDR 2.000,-
For example, calculating the board/billboard billboard tax for the DKI Jakarta area:
Product billboard tax: 3 meters x 1 meter billboard size, position on Sudirman Street (A protocol)
Non-product billboard tax of the same size but with non-product billboard tax type. Here's how to calculate it:
So after knowing the billboard tax rate, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!