Preventing Trafficking In Persons In NTB, Police Ask Residents Not To Be Easily Invited To Work Abroad

Deputy Chief of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, Brigadier General Ruslan Aspan, assessed that many residents in the area chose instant methods to work abroad.

"Most of our people want to be instant, but don't know that there is a danger of being targeted. We need to provide education to the public so that they don't become victims of TIP (criminal acts of trafficking in persons)," said Brigadier General Ruslan, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 13.

As the Head of the Regional Task Force (Kasatgas) of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police, Ruslan said that he had responded to the issue by ordering members of the regional task force (satgasda) to further optimize prevention efforts.

"We are optimizing prevention efforts through community awareness activities to work abroad procedurally," he said.

He said that the NTB Police TPPO Task Force was not only focused on taking action, but also on preventing Indonesian migrant workers from working abroad non-procedurally.

"According to the order for the formation of the TIP Task Force on June 5, 2023, the NTB Police TIP Task Force oversees eight fields, there are prosecutions, prevention, rehabilitation, and others," he said.

With the formation of the TIP Task Force in each region according to the instructions of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo who continued President Joko Widodo's mandate, Ruslan assured that this was also to provide convenience in uncovering the TIP network.

Such as the activities of the Lampung Regional Police and the North Sumatra Police which succeeded in preventing the departure of dozens of NTB residents (Candidates for Indonesian migrant workers) abroad non-procedurally.

"Of the two cases, it was the local police who handled it, because the locus was there. However, our task force here helped in the upstream tracing process," he said.

Dalam persoalan itu, pihaknya melalui Subsatgasda Bidang Rehabilitasi TIP Polda NTB juga akan terlibat dalam pendampingan korban.

"So, not only taking action, there is also the rehabilitation of victims. Indeed, there is currently no assistance, but in the future there will be. At least we can help make efforts so that the victims in Lampung and North Sumatra get restitution rights," he said.