
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever seen a child eating immediately facing difficulty breathing? Or a toddler's mouth immediately blue after drinking breast milk? Such circumstances can be felt at any time without predicting. So what is the child's first aid step like?

Children's activities are very diverse, walking here and there and their great curiosity in exploring one. Children are located in a growth session that is indeed at risk of being strangled, both in the form of eating and non-eating such as coins, batteries, and other small toys.

Struggling is an obstacle in the form of a respiratory block and has the potential to cause death if early help is not quickly tried. In toddlers and children, this incident can be established when eating or playing because they sometimes like to put foreign goods into their mouths. It must also be watched out for when toddlers and babies are trained to eat on their own.

Early detection of indications of strangling must be tried immediately and quickly. The following are the handling of indications of strangling on children:

Children under 1 year old:

See the severity of the respiratory blockage by looking at whether the child can cough efficiently or speak/ cry. Inefficient cough is a cough that does not give rise to sound accompanied by difficulty breathing, bluishness, let alone a decrease in consciousness.

The initial help that can be tried is given 5 shades with the base of the palm. Toddlers are held on their stomach after tapping the back of the black blow between 2 backbones or with a chest thrust in toddlers in the supine position.

With 2 fingers (fingers and middle fingers), the depth on the chest of a toddler is 1.5 inches or approximately 4 centimeters, the opposite in a 2-inch child or approximately 5 centimeters. If the trigger has not come out, repeat the action from the start until the trigger stabilizes out.

Children over 1 year old

If children can still produce a little sound and breathe, ask them to cough loudly. In children over 1 year old, make them produce foreign objects if the child is aware that they can be tried using the Abdominal Thrust method (Emergency response method by sharing forced pressure on the stomach to remove foreign objects located in the respiration cavity).

This method can be tried by means of, the rescuer standing behind the victim and placing the arm at the bottom of the victim's arm around his waist. The auxiliary hand was tightened and placed between the tomb and the vacillator's chest. Grab the fist with the other hand and deposit towards the upper and back of the patient's body 5 times.

However, avoiding always being better than healing. Some of the actions that parents can try to minimize the incident of strangling on their children are:

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