Regency Government Tightens Requirements For Sacrificial Animals Entering Bintan

BINTAN - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bintan, Riau Islands (Kepri), through the Food and Agriculture Security Service together with the Foot and Mouth Disease Handling Task Force (PMK) has tightened the requirements for incorporating sacrificial cattle from outside the region.
Head of the Department of Food Security and Agriculture of Bintan Regency, through the Veterinary Authority official, Iwan Berri Prima, stated that his party had recommended 682 sacrificial cows from outside entering the area starting March 2023.
"This is one of the efforts of the local government to help fulfill sacrificial animals ahead of Eid al-Adha 1444 Hijri," said Iwan Berri Prima as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.
He detailed that 682 cows outside the area consisted of 600 cows from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), 82 cows from Natuna and several others being processed for requests from farmers.
According to him, the number of sacrificial cows entering will usually increase along with the approaching H day of slaughtering sacrificial animals. However, a number of these animals have not yet entered Bintan.
"The estimated arrival is still at the end of May or early June 2023," he said.
He explained to provide recommendations for animal income to Bintan. Each animal must meet administrative requirements and technical requirements.
This is in accordance with the Decree of the PMK Handling Task Force Number 8 of 2022 and SE of the Riau Islands Provincial Secretary as Chair of the Riau Islands Provincial PMK Task Force Number B/524.3/1/DKP2KH-SET/2023 dated February 23, 2023. Among them is because Bintan is a free zone or PMK green zone, animal income must also come from green zone areas.
Then farmers or traders of sacrificial animals are asked to meet the provisions of technical and administrative requirements as a condition for animal income.
The requirements, among others, for designated animals as sacrificial animals / slaughtering animals, have been vaccinated against PMK at least 1 dose. If they have not been vaccinated, they must attach the results of the PMK laboratory test using the ELISA NSP or RT-PCR method based on the results of surveillance monitoring of diseases from laboratories that have been determined in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Number 740/Kpts/PK.300/M/10/2022 of 2022 dated October 3, 2022 concerning the Laboratory for Examination and Testing of Mouth and Nail Diseases and or the Laboratory appointed in accordance with Attachment II of the PMK Task Force Circular Letter Number 8 of 2022.
"For seeds/development, two doses of PMK vaccine have been vaccinated," he explained
Furthermore, implementing strict biosecurity with acts of disinfection and decontamination of people, animals and goods as well as disposal actions against dead livestock. Carrier equipment in the form of ships must also pay attention to animal welfare aspects.
Then attach an animal health certificate (SKKH) from the area of origin signed by an authorized veterinarian or government veterinarian stating that vulnerable animals to PMK to be trafficked are healthy livestock and free of mouth and nail disease.
Then, attach a veterinary certificate (SV) from the area of origin which is signed by a district/city veterinary authority official. If the official concerned does not yet exist, it is signed by the head of the service in charge of the health affairs of the district/city of origin.
Then, attach a certificate of self-quarantine for 14 days from the area of origin which was signed by the authority official of the government's veterinary / veterinary animal doctor / veterinary doctor or by local quarantine officials.
In addition, livestock, especially cattle, must have an eartag with a registered barcode on an identical PKH application or if it does not exist, attach a statement letter from the district office in charge of animal livestock and health functions that has not yet carried out livestock tagging.
"Ternak is transported directly to the city/district and must not stop on other islands (not be transited)," he explained
After the animal enters the destination port, he continued, quarantine veterinarians or agricultural quarantine officers will disinfect and check animal health, complete documents and other quarantine measures.
After being declared healthy, the animal is directed to a quarantine location because in Bintan it does not yet have a permanent animal quarantine installation, quarantine locations can be carried out at a farmer's cage.
For three days after arriving in Bintan, livestock are not allowed to be removed from the designated shelter until they are declared healthy and do not show clinical symptoms of PMK by the Bintan Regency Veterinary Authority Officer together with the Tanjungpinang Class II Agricultural Quarantine.
Then, animals must be vaccinated by PMK by official officers in charge of Bintan animal health affairs after being declared healthy.
"In addition, don't forget to report to the agricultural quarantine center when crossing animals, don't cross animals illegally or without procedures," said Iwan Berri Prima.