
Pelayat visited the funeral home of the daughter of the Acting Governor of Papua, Nikolaus Kondomo Mountains, with the initials ABK, who reportedly died in a boarding room on Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur, Semarang City, Central Java.

Rows of wreaths were seen along the road to the funeral home located in Plamongan Housing, Semarang, Friday night.

One of the local residents, Sunarso, said that the crew was the daughter of the Acting Governor of Papua, Nikolaus Kondomo Mountains.

"Pak Niko is now (the Acting) Governor in Papua Mountains. His daughter has lived here since childhood," said Sunarso as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 19.

According to him, the crew lived with their mother in Semarang since childhood.

Meanwhile, according to information, the body of the crew will be buried in Purwodadi, Central Java, Saturday (20/5).

"The plan is to be buried in Purwodadi," said Sunarso.

Semarang Police are investigating the death of a 16-year-old woman, Thursday (18/5), in a boarding house on Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur, Semarang City.

Kasatreskrim Polrestabes Semarang AKBP Donny Lumbantoruan confirmed the report from the victim's family regarding the incident to the police. According to Donny, there were three witnesses examined related to the incident.

"Three people, (that is) invite and take them to the hospital," said Donny.

He explained that the victim was taken to the hospital before finally dying.

From the crime scene, the police secured a number of evidences of several bottles of alcoholic beverages of various types. The victim's own body was previously taken to Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang for an autopsy.