Important, LaNyalla Asks Czech Embassy To Socialize Emissions Deforestation And Revocation

PRAHA Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti appealed to the Indonesian Embassy to be more massive in socializing Indonesia's efforts to reforegate and reduce carbon emissions according to the target of net zero emissions in 2060.

This was conveyed by LaNyalla when leading the delegation of Senators of the DPD RI to meet the Indonesian Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Kenssy Dwi Ekaningsih and Indonesian diplomats at the Wisma Ambassador in Prague, Wednesday, May 17.

"So what we can do with the European Union is to encourage the development of renewable energy sources in Indonesia such as hydro power, wind power, ocean power, solar power, biomass, and so on. Also develop a circular economy, using technology and capital from European countries in mutually beneficial cooperation," said LaNyalla.

He added that Indonesia continues to strive to improve law and human rights enforcement and environmental conservation. But on December 6, 2022, the European Union passed the Deforestation-Free Commodity Act or EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) which not only hinders Indonesia's CPO exports, but has an impact on exports of soybeans, coffee, cocoa, wood, rubber, as well as chocolate and furniture.

"Therefore, the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the European Union needs to be finalized immediately to overcome the obstacles to the export of our products to Europe. Our interest is so that there is justice in free trade, because it involves the livelihood of tens of millions of people in various regions of Indonesia," said the East Java Senator.

"If you want to be fair, then like foreign products circulating freely in Indonesia, like that, our products should also be able to freely circulate in Europe. So don't be politicized for various reasons. Because the first to damage the world's forests is not us, but European countries, since the era of the Industrial Revolution until now," he added.

AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti also advised that cohesiveness as a nation must also be maintained. By eliminating all forms of injustice, especially in the political and economic fields.

Our country is very rich but many people are still poor. This is due to mismanagement since decades ago. Now it is exacerbated by the grip of the economic oligarchy which supports and is supported by political oligarchs," he said.

The root of the problem, according to LaNyalla, is the constitutional amendment from 1999 to 2002 which has changed most of our constitution, so that it is no longer the 1945 Constitution but the 2002 Constitution. As a result, the law that was initiated from 2002 was directed to meet the interests of political oligarchs and economic oligarchs. The state budget, which is getting bigger from year to year, is not directly proportional to the improvement of people's welfare.

"This is why on various occasions I always call for us to return to the Original Script of the 1945 Constitution. Even today I want to repeat that to save our country, then we must return to the Original Script of the 1945 Constitution, then addendum to things that need to be refined," he said.

In the political field, he continued, what is needed is Pancasila democracy, not Liberal Democracy as it is now. In the economic field, namely an inclusive economic system in accordance with Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, for the greatest prosperity of the people. Not an exclusive economy that only benefits a handful of people. In the field of law, it is a sense of justice in the hearts of the community, not just legal certainty in the eyes of law enforcers.

"All these problems need to be resolved so that our nation's condition can get better in the future," said AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, who led the delegation of Committee I DPD RI to conduct reference studies and exchange experiences on the formulation of a bill on the relationship between the central government and regional governance and regional governance, as well as the design of the metropolitan city in the Czech Republic.

The Senator's delegation from Committee I of the DPD RI consists of Habib Abdurrahman Bahasyim (Vice Chairman of Committee I) from South Kalimantan, Dailami Firdaus (DKI Jakarta), Ajiep Padindang (South Sulawesi), Abdul Rachman (Central Sulawesi), Andi Nirwana Sebbu (Southeast Sulawesi), Misharti (Riau), Maria Goreti (West Kalimantan), Cherishaturte (North Sulawesi), Oni Suwarman (West Java), Muhammad Syukur (Jambi), Abdurrahman Abubakar Bahmid (Gorontalo), Husain Alting (North Maluku), Alirman Sori (West Sumatra), Andi Muh Ihsan (South Sulawesi), and Secretary General of the DPD RI Rahman Hadi.