AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan Claims To Receive IDR 7.5 Million/Month To Guard Solar Warehouse
The North Sumatra Police (North Sumatra) said AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan admitted that he received Rp7.5 million per month as supervisor of the diesel fuel storage warehouse (BBM) owned by PT ANR on Jalan Guru Sinumba, Medan Helvetia.
"His confession (AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan) received Rp7.5 million per month," said Director of Criminal Investigation of the North Sumatra Police (Poldasu) Kombes Teddy Marbun in Medan, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2.
The police are still investigating the President Director of PT ANR on suspicion that AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan received Rp7.5 million per month as supervisor.
"Untuk keterkaitan Saudara AH dengan pengakuan dia menerima Rp7,5 juta per bulan, itu menjadi pintu masuk agar bisa mengembangkan keterkaitan TPPU dan mengejar aset yang selama ini sudah viral," ucap Teddy.
The police are still investigating by summoning Pertamina, banks, and others to explain in detail the illegal diesel warehouse.
Previously, the Joint Team of the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the North Sumatra Police searched the PT ANR Office, on Jalan Mustang Villa Polonia Indah, Medan Kota District, as a warehouse for illegal diesel in collaboration with AKBP AH.
"The search, which was carried out on Saturday (29/4) to explore the gratuities carried out by AKBP AH for receiving compensation as an illegal diesel warehouse supervisor," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi.
The search involved investigators from the Tipidter, Tipidkor, and Fismondep Sub-Directorates of the North Sumatra Police for five hours.
"From the location of the search at AH's house, evidence of payment receipts, savings books, financial transaction books, vehicle STNKs, and bank statements were confiscated. During the search, the neighborhood head and AKBP AH's wife witnessed," he said.