IPW Accuses Report On Wamenkumham Hanging, KPK: Please Ask Complaints

JAKARTA - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) accused the report on the alleged receipt of bribes from the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej of being hanged by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The reason is that the continuation of the report has no information.

Responding to this, the Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri, gave a rebuttal. According to him, IPW can come directly to get information regarding his report.

"Please, the reporter asked the KPK directly through the complaint facilities," Ali told reporters, Tuesday, May 2.

Ali said that the follow-up to this report could not be submitted to the public. Only the reporting party can access the latest information.

"Because only the reporter can ask about the progress of each complaint report," he said.

IPW assessed that the report related to the alleged gratification of Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Sharif was not followed up by the KPK. This assessment emerged after their reporting was not followed up.

"As a reporter for alleged corruption by Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Hiariej, my report to the KPK has no progress," said IPW Coordinator Sugeng Teguh Santoso in a written statement.

Sugeng hopes that the KPK will inform the progress of his report. Edward was asked to be clarified and asked for his statement.

"I question whether the KPK is investigating the case, because from the evidence we submitted, I submitted it completely, there has been no clarification to the party that can be questioned regarding the evidence," he said.

The Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights was reported to the KPK by IPW for allegedly receiving gratuities of up to IDR 7 billion. This acceptance is allegedly related to the consultation and assistance for the ratification of a company's legal entity.

After being reported, Edward then went to the KPK to clarify. He even said this report led to slander.

"On our own initiative, we are clarifying the KPK for IPW complaints that tend to lead to slander," Edward told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, March 20.

Edward stated that there was a number of evidence submitted in the process of clarifying the report. However, he did not want to explain because everything had been submitted to the anti-corruption commission.