4 Tips For Weight Loss After Eid

JAKARTA - Eid al-Fitr gatherings are usually carried out while eating typical Lebaran dishes that are arranged, such as rendang and opor to sweet foods such as pastries. This typical food of Lebaran can cause the body to hoard more fat, causing weight gain.

To lose weight, Putri MJ Nutritionist S.Gz shared several healthy tips to lose weight and return to fitness after Eid. Here are 4 tips to lose weight after Eid.

Fix a sleep schedule and do light exercise During fasting, sleep hours tend to decrease and fall apart because you have to wake up the sahur. For this reason, Putri recommends improving the sleep schedule slowly to 8 hours a day.

Also balanced with light exercise to lose weight and make the body more fit.

"The ability to exercise duration can be built slowly, starting from 10-15 minutes. Don't force hard exercise right away. Also give a break without exercising to rest," said Putri, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, April 28.

He also suggested drinking coconut water mixed with honey and a little salt, in order to restore the electrolyte liquid that is lost while exercising. Also eat fruits with high levels of minerals such as bananas, watermelons, and papaya, as well as protein-rich foods such as chicken or beef for muscle formation.

Implementing a nutritious and balanced diet Putri said that in general, a person's daily protein needs are 0.8-1.2 grams times the weight of a person. For example, if a person's weight is 50 kilograms, then the protein needed is around 40-60 grams per day.

Putri said the body also needs macro nutrients that include protein, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as micro nutrients that include vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc.

Also increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits or seeds that are rich in fiber to overcome constipation, increase immunity, and reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Applying the mindful eating principle According to Putri, excessive eating or overeating can increase the risk of obesity and various chronic diseases such as diabetes to heart disease. The application of mindful eating principles is also recommended to prevent it.

Mindful eating is based on a person's full awareness when eating. For example, avoid multi-tasks or chatting while eating so that you are aware of the portion consumed.

"We also have to enjoy the taste, aroma and texture of food. Don't forget to pay attention to signs from the body, for example, don't ignore the body's response when it's full," said Putri.

Use the Piring Implementation Guidelines He also advised the public to meet their nutritional needs and control the portion of food by implementing the nutrition guidelines for the contents of the Piringku which were echoed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

"The portion of food consumed in one plate consists of 50 percent of fruit and vegetables and the remaining 50 percent consists of carbohydrates and protein," said Putri.