President Soekarno Urges The People Of Punjung Tinggi Indonesia In Today's History, April 22, 1959

JAKARTA - Today's history, 64 years ago, April 22, 1959, President Soekarno invited all Indonesian people to uphold the spirit of Indonesianism. He revealed this at the Constitute Session in Bandung. He did not want the spirit of ethnicity and region to slow Indonesia down to become a great nation.

Previously, young people had agreed to throw it away regarding ethnicity at the Second Youth Congress. All of this is stated in the Youth Pledge. Young people agree to land, nation, and speak one: Indonesia.

The Second Youth Congress is one of the national milestones. All young people from various parts of the archipelago gathered on 27 and 28 October 1928 in Jakarta. They discussed the fate of their people who had long been colonized by the Dutch.

The bumiputras felt they were squeezed like dairy cows. However, young people are aware that the ideals of independence will not be achieved if all the natives do not unite. They then invited all young people to channel ideas of unity and integrity. The idea of unity was also expressed by Muhammad Yamin.

Yamin wants all natives to start releasing the spirit of ethnicity and nationality. He considered the concept a bit outdated to become an independent Indonesian weapon. He also encouraged Indonesia to need a unifying language.

A language that is able to be used by all ethnic groups and races throughout the country. Finally, the Youth Pledge pledge was echoed. All young people present tried to pledge their homeland, nation, and language: Indonesia.

When he was 25 years old Muhammad Yamin became Secretary of the Second Youth Congress (27-28 October 1928). Muhammad Yamin was a speaker on the first day of Indonesian unity and nationality. In that Congress Muhammad Yamin played a big role and pidrypto was at the heart of the decision of the very famous Youth Congress, namely the speech: Indonesian National Unity".

The decision of the Muhammad Yamin composition Youth Congress is known as the Youth Pledge which will explore the spirit of Indonesian youth in the future. As a continuation of the Youth Pledge, between December 30, rahan was declared disbanded, "written in the book History of the National Awakening of the West Sumatra Region (1977).

Unity and unity as an Indonesian nation have paid off. Indonesia is independent because of it. However, when Indonesia was independent, the issue of regional and ethnic spirit rose again. Even the narrative discriminates between tribes so that it becomes so.

This condition reached Soekarno's family. He didn't want Indonesia to divide. Big Brother also appealed to the Indonesian people to throw away the spirit of ethnicity and regionality. He expressed the appeal at the constituent hearing in Bandung on April 22, 1959.

"So whoever is now re-putting the idea of ethnicity, island ideas, or federalism ideas, it is like someone digging graves and trying to revive the bones of people buried 30 years ago."

"Indeed, we still have the right to love and combine our respective tribes or regions, but we must love him and advance him in the context of the nature of the nation and integrity of the Indonesian country, which cannot be separated," said Soekarno in his speech as quoted by Wawan Tunggul Alam in the book Demi Bangsuku: Bung Karno vs. Bung Hatta (2003).