JAKARTA - In addition to fasting from sunrise to sunset, Muslims are also advised to do a lot of good in the month of Ramadan. One of the good deeds that is of great value is sharing or alms with others.

Many hadiths explain the virtue of alms during Ramadan. A history of mentioning the answer of the Prophet regarding the virtue of alms in the month of Ramadan. Alms in the month of Ramadan have extraordinary privileges as in the history of Anas bin Malik RA's best friend:

That is, 'From Anas it is said, 'O Prophet, what is the most important value?' The Prophet replied, 'Indeed in the month of Ramadan,' (HR At-Tirmidzi).

Friends also witnessed the generosity and generosity of the Prophet during Ramadan compared to other months. This is as stated in the history of Bukhari and Muslims:

This means that Rasulullah SAW is the most generous person among other humans, and he is even more generous when he is in the month of Ramadan, (HR Bukhari and Muslim).

Based on the two histories above, it is clear that Islam encourages its people to issue alms, because the same thing is also done by the Prophet. This is one of the many properties of the Prophet that can be learned.

Al-Baijuri, quoting Islam NU, Friday, March 24, explained the priority of sharing in the month of Ramadan. Ganjaran shares in the month of Ramadan can be doubled compared to the reward of sharing in other months.

That is, People fast) are recommended to immediately increase alms because the Prophet SAW is the most generous person in the month of Ramadan. One can do good in general because of the reward of good deeds of any form will be doubled compared to the reward of good deeds done outside the month of Ramadan, (See Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Baijuri, Hasyiyatul Baijuri, [Beirut, Darul Pole Al-Ilmiyayah: 1999 M/1420 H], the second print, juz I, page 562.

Those are some hadiths that discuss the virtue of giving alms in the month of Ramadan. In addition to fasting, let's perfect your reward of worship by giving alms.