JAKARTA - There is an interesting fact behind the scenes of Buya Hamka's film making. The production house Falcon Pictures and Starvision spent up to IDR 3 billion just to make up for Vino G Bastian's appearance."The producer spoils me tremendously, I have never been pampered like I made Buya Hamka film. In the past, I made a film of Rp. 1 billion, it was not allowed, this is just a make-up (Vino G Bastian) of Rp. 3 billion, yes," said Fajar Bustomi at Epicentrum, South Jakarta on Thursday, March 24, 2023.Vino G Bastian himself will play Buya Hamka from her young age until she dies. To realize the best quality, make up for the actor is very important. Especially when Vino plays Hamka at his old age, it takes prosthetic make-up to make it happen.With the totality of each production house and the famous players involved, Fajar Bustomi hopes that the Buya Hamka film can be a valuable lesson for every generation, both the current generation and in the future."I hope that from this film, I can reward the flowing radius, hopefully this film when watched by Indonesian children can get a good fit from Buya Hamka's life story," said Fajar.The director who was born in Jakarta also expressed his hope that the Buya Hamka film could be a breath of fresh air for Indonesian cinema, in the midst of the recent rise of horror films."I believe that Indonesian citizens are religious. And this film tells the story of humans struggling through their lives by surrendering to Allah," he said.There are many lessons in the process of cultivating the film obtained by Fajar. Despite having a big responsibility in working on high-bebudget films, Fajar hopes that all expectations and efforts in cultivating the Buya Hamka film can produce satisfactory results."I've just been tested by Allah a little like this, Buya Hamka from childhood to the end of her life the test never stops. Sayya hopes to support this film. I'm a filmmaker, this is a big budget film that hasn't been shown yet. My big responsibility is not only for me but all my filmmaker friends," said Fajar Bustomi.Buya Hamka Volume 1 will be present in cinemas throughout Indonesia on April 20, 2023. Meanwhile, the next two volumes will be present in the near future, after the first volume is broadcast.In the overall volume that will be shown, Buya Hamka film presents dozens of very diverse actors, including Vino G Bastian, Laudya Chintya Bella, Desi Ratnasari, Donny Damara, Reza Rahadian, Ayu Laksmi, Anjasmara, Marthino Lio, Reybong, Mawar De Jongh, Mathias Muchus Verdi Solaeman, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Ben Kasyafani, Wafda Lubis, Ferry Salim, Donny Kesuma, Cok Simbara, Roy Sungkono, Yoriko Angeline, Ajil Ditto, Zayyan Sakha, and Yoga Pratama.