YOGYAKARTA - Is crying breaking the fast? Some people are still wondering about the law of crying during fasting. Because there are often some conditions in the fasting month that make a person unable to stem his tears from crying over an emotional event both experienced by himself and by others.

It turns out that crying is not one of the things that invalidates fasting. But there are still many who think that crying while fasting can cancel fasting. This assumption is often believed by children. So what is the law of crying or fasting?

From a number of things that invalidate fasting as contained in the book, crying is not included in it. If you cry while fasting, it will not cancel your fast.

Reporting from the Islam.nu.or.id page, crying does not cancel fasting because the eyes are not part of the sea. In the eyes there is no channel that flows the object down the throat. So when a person cries, nothing comes from the eyes that goes into the throat.

The explanation is contained in the book Rawdah at-Thalibin, which reads: Problem branch. There is no problem for people fasting to climb, either found in their throat from the stake a taste or not. Because the eyes do not include the Yusuf (the inside) and there is no way from the eyes to the throat.

However, there is a condition that makes crying can cause fasting to cancel. When the tears that flow from the cheeks enter the mouth and then are swallowed down the throat, then this can break the fast. Because there is an object, in this case, tears, which enter the throat.

In the book entitled Fasting by Astrid Herera, it is also written that the law of crying during fasting does not include canceling. The scholars also have the same view or agreement that crying does not invalidate fasting, as long as the tears are not swallowed into the throat down the stomach.

There are a number of things that can break the fast. It is explained in the book Matnu Abi Syuja, 10 things that can cause fasting to become canceled are as follows:

1. Put something up to the internal cavity of the body (jauf) or head

Putting objects into a hole in the head, such as ears, eyes, mouth, and nose can cancel fasting.

2. Treat by inserting something on one of the two roads (qubul and rectum)

Swallowing drugs into the mouth is also an act that invalidates fasting. In addition, the treatment that includes foreign objects into the rectum also includes breaking the fast. 3

3. Vomiting on purpose

Fasting can also be canceled when someone vomits on purpose. For example, when deliberately inserting an object into the mouth that triggers nausea until finally vomiting. Especially if the vomit is swallowed again, then the fast is clearly canceled. However, if vomiting happens accidentally, then the fast is still valid or not canceled.

4. Having sexual intercourse on purpose

Having sexual intercourse is clearly the law makes fasting canceled. When having sex, a person means that they cannot restrain the lust as the essence of fasting. However, if the intimate relationship is carried out at night, it will not damage fasting.

5. The appearance of the manifold due to touching the skin

Another thing that invalidates fasting is the release of sperm or manifold water for several reasons, such as disorder and sexual intercourse. However, if the release of manifold water due to wet dreams, the fasting is not canceled because it is done unintentionally or in an unconscious condition.

6. Haid

When a woman experiences menstruation or menstruation, her fasting is invalid. Haid is a menstrual cycle or blood loss from the variant experienced every month. Therefore, women who are menstruating are not allowed to fast and must replace it or qadha outside of Ramadan fasting time.

7. Nifas

The condition of Nifas experienced by women also makes fasting invalid. Nifas is a period of recovery after childbirth. During nifas, women experience obstacles or edzur. Just like when a woman menstruates, women who experience nifas have to replace or qadha outside of Ramadan fasting time.

8. Crazy

Crazy or losing common sense in a person can make fasting canceled. If while fasting a person experiencesjunction or mental condition, then fasting is invalid.

9. Fainted throughout the day

The condition of fainting for one day also makes fasting invalid or invalid. If someone suddenly fainted from dawn or after dawn until the time of breaking the fast arrives, then the fasting is invalid.

10. Murtad

Another condition that invalidates fasting is when a person leaves the teachings of Islam or is called anemployee. The person should immediately speak the creed and perform his fasting qadha.

That's the review whether crying cancels fasting? The answer, crying is not one of the things that makes fasting cancel. From various taboos or actions that invalidate fasting, crying is not included in it. However, if the tears flowing from the eyes enter the mouth and are swallowed into the throat cavity, then the fasting can be canceled.

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