JAKARTA - Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's (SBY) interest in the military world is second to none. He also has the aspirations to become the Indonesian National Army (TNI). Learning and hard work are his teachings. As a result, SBY was able to become the best graduate of the Akabri (Military Academy: Military Academy).

SBY's career was also followed by his son, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). All SBY's actions, especially in discipline, were adopted. The result was brilliant. AHY was able to match his father's achievements as the best graduate of Akmil and received the award of Adhi Makayasa.

The biggest sacrifice of a citizen is serving the homeland and nation. SBY agreed to the narrative since childhood. His father, Raden Soekotjo, who devoted himself to the army became an inspiration.

Instead of not giving permission, his father actually fully supports his son's dream. Discipline and honesty were emphasized to SBY. As a result, Pacitan's son grew up to be a smart and responsible person.

Recently, SBY is classified as an outstanding student. He is able to excel in all fields, especially sports and art. His admiration for the TNI became even more widespread when he visited the National Military Academy (now: Akmil) during his school vacation.

He was even more amazed by how he lived as a soldier. SBY can't wait. After high school he wanted to enter Akmil immediately. However, poor can't be denied. SBY was late in registering. Instead, SBY chose to go to college first at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology on November 10, Surabaya (ITS), then moved to the First Advanced Teacher Education in Malang.

Dewi Fortuna approached SBY when she was in Malang in 1969. She registered herself to enter Akmil in Malang. She passed the initial stage screening exam and took a follow-up exam in Bandung. Perseverance and hard work brought results.

SBY was fully accepted at the Magelang Military Academy, led by Sarwo Edhie (later SBY's father-in-law) in 1970. After that, he emerged as the best Akmil graduate and was entitled to the award of Adhi Makayasa.

Just so you know, SBY's perseverance in the military has never been half-hearted. After completing the Akabri in 1973, he never left various educations to fulfill his skills in the military. Starting from the Basic Infantry Branching and Soldier Basic Course courses in 1974.

His English curve was played in 1975. Then in 1976, he studied at the American Language Course in Texas and the Airport and Ranger Course in Fort Benning, United States. In the range from 1982 to 1985, SBY had participated in several military courses," said Femi Adi Soepeno in the book Indonesia Votes (2009).

The fruit did not fall far from the tree. SBY's courage and discipline were followed by his eldest son, AHY. He was able to follow in SBY's footsteps in serving the homeland and nation. Even AHY had experienced moving to Dili, Timor-East Timor (now: Timor Leste) because SBY was assigned as Commander of the Combat Unit Battalion in Operation Seroja in 1979.

As a result, SBY and his family live in a simple military complex in Dili. The assignment was often imprinted on AHY's memory and became the reason for entering the military world. Even though AHY is still a child. Moreover, he was motivated because many of his extended family members joined the military. From grandfather (Sarwo Edhie) to father.

AHY also understands that strengthening a career in the military world is a noble goal. Even if you have to meet your shortcomings and limitations. For him, being a soldier means being ready to be educated without knowing boundaries.

It was this narrative that made AHY knit his dream of entering the military through Akmil. Like his father, AHY had no trouble entering Akmil. Moreover, AHY was one of the outstanding students in high school. The result was brilliant. AHY was able to match his father's achievement out as the best graduate of Akmil. He was also entitled to the award of Adhi Makayasa in 2000.

After appearing convincingly as a graduate of Taruna Nusantara High School, Magelang 1997. AHY again won the award as the best graduate of the Military Academy in 2000. For this reason, this man who was born in Bandung, August 10, 1978, has the right to give Adhi Makayasa a gift. The same award was received by his father, SBY, as the best graduate of the National Military Academy in 1973.

So, don't be surprised if you find a photo of these men on a wall in the main building of the Military Academy, Magelang. AHY's post-education military career also has a plot' similar to his father. The Military Academy observer, he immediately served in the elite Infantry Battalion (Yonif) 305 Kostrad in Karawang," explained Guard Maeswara in the book Cikeas Answering (2010).