3.5 Years Of Rizieq Shihab's Story In Saudi Arabia: It Is Very Good There, But The Disturbing One Is Here

JAKARTA - High Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab immediately held a meeting with a number of congregants at his residence, Tuesday, November 10 evening. During this meeting, Rizieq told of more than three years living in Saudi Arabia.

Rizieq said that initially living in Saudi Arabia did not experience any disturbances. However, after he had lived for a while, disturbances started to come.

"As long as my family and I live in Mecca, there are no difficulties. Although there are other parties who want to make it difficult for me, thank God, they cannot. In Mecca it is delicious, here can be friends, there you can. Here you can congregation, you can get there," said Rizieq quoted from Youtube Front TV, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 10.

Rizieq then told the disturbance after the disturbance he had experienced. First, said Rizieq, namely regarding information on the period of a stay or overstay permit in Saudi Arabia.

"I did overstay at first. I got a ban at that time. But the ban was not because of violating the provisions. If someone said that was a hoax, that slander. There was no violation of the rules, yes there was for security reasons," said Rizieq.

Then, a check by Saudi Arabian intelligence for unsubstantiated reports. He said the Saudi Arabian security forces examined him for the trash report.

"I was examined by intelligence, they got trash reports from this country. We got trash information about you. I am a fugitive, I have legal issues, I am red notice, I am a political person. I don't want to accuse anyone who reports. This is not an ordinary person's report, this is state report level, "said Rizieq.

During the examination, Rizieq explained one by one about the report. Regarding the report at the West Java Regional Police, Rizieq gave his SP3 legal case. He also gave SP3 on other cases to the legal authorities in Saudi Arabia.

"There is a legal case, there is an SP3 I translated into Arabic. We make an official document. I show the SP3. This is the law that Bandung has completed SP3," he said.

"In the end they (the Saudi Arabian security) actually apologized, we were wrong, we crossed the line of authority. Finally they did not interfere, they finally offered to go back to Indonesia or stay here forever. I met high-ranking officials there," he said.

For information, Rizieq Shihab officially arrived at his residence in Petamburan, Central Jakarta at around 13:20 WIB today.

Before entering KS Tubun Street, the masses were lined up waiting for Rizieq to arrive. Some of them lifted their cell phones up high to record Rizieq's arrival. Some of them climbed the railing of the house to the bus stop.

Firecrackers exploded before Rizieq's arrival. The sound of singing selawat accompanied by tambourine music was blared. The Islamic Defenders Army (LPI) is preparing to form a line to open the road for the motorcade that Rizieq is carrying.

The crowd of supporters shouted to welcome Rizieq. They waved to Rizieq. From the top of the car, Rizieq also waved back in all directions. The son-in-law, Hanif Alatas, appeared beside Rizieq.