Not Delayed In The Pilkada, Muhammadiyah Asked Candidates To Campaign For Concrete Issues For The Community

JAKARTA - Head of Law Enforcement and Human Rights of PP Muhammadiyah Busyro Muqoddas said that his party would like it or not, to accept the government's decision not to delay the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada.

Previously, Muhammadiyah was one of the religious institutions that urged the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada to be postponed in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

When this wish was not granted, Busyro said that Muhammadiyah had given a critical note regarding the implementation of the campaign. He hopes that the candidate pairs in the 2020 Pilkada will really raise issues that represent the people.

"Even though we have officially proposed the Pilkada to be postponed, but because there is no indication of a delay, PP Muhammadiyah has noted the concrete campaign issues faced by the community," said Busyro in a webinar discussion, Wednesday, October 21.

According to Busyro, it is better if candidate pairs, supporting political parties, and campaign teams adopt a design framework on a democratic path. So that the candidate pairs who are elected as regional heads truly represent the people who elect them.

"Whoever is elected as the regional head is truly a regional head who represents the people, not of the political parties or coalition of political parties," said Busyro.

The former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) also asked the 2020 Pilkada candidate to understand transparency issues such as state administrators' wealth reports (LHKPN) and regional revenue and expenditure budgets (APBD) in campaigning.

"Regarding the role model of campaign issues, guidelines are needed to help regional heads such as LHKPN. Then, the second is related to the APBD which is based on civil society," he said.

Apart from that, it is also necessary to understand the issues that are close to the people. Examples are spatial policies to agrarian issues. This issue is considered important, considering that spatial planning in the regions is never separated from the targets of capital forces.

"It should be noted, the owners of the capital always take steps in such a way, so that they can enjoy the sovereignty of the people in the regions, using the agrarian aspects of land," said Busyro.

"Moreover, the new Omnibus Law has the character of centralism at the center so that the regions experience limitations," he continued.