
JAKARTA - The world of modern education recognizes an academic amnesty term, which means academic honesty. Academic honesty is one aspect of academic integrity. This was explained by a researcher from the University of South Australia, caught up with Bretag who said that the academic integrity of actions carried out based on the background of trust, justice, respect, responsibility, and humility.

However, in practice, things are often found that are contrary to the values of honesty, including the educators. Educational institutions that often implement an educational system that tends to be coercive, and this system will greatly affect the mentality of youth who are touted as the next generation of the nation. This system encourages the emergence of intolerance in students.

Radically, Rocky Gerung said that diplomas only indicate that someone has attended school, not a sign that someone has ever thought. This means that schools are not always a place for humans to think, nor do they indicate that humans who go to school are educated. These words are a scathing satire for humans who prioritize titles without content (science), which eventually becomes a sign of the collapse of civilization.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara said, Independence is the most important thing in human life, education is a way to achieve or have it.

Referring to these words, education can be interpreted as a path to human independence in a very broad sense. Bringing humans to a more harmonious life with himself, his nation, and nature. Based on this, human educators must depart from recognition of potential and privilege to a student.

Higher Education Is The Defense Base For National Civilization

Single Lecture Money (UKT) should reflect the spirit and wide access in the world of education. Where the cost of education is affordable, aka 'people's hospitality'. And most importantly, the elected president of 2024 Prabowo Subianto can ensure that UKT describes justice for the younger generation of Indonesia. even though it doesn't have to be free.

Single tuition fees (UKT) are not a business calculation. UKT should not be a model or shield from the state to do business with its people. The UKT deserves to have a commitment to defend all children who come from ordinary people and dream of improving their path of fate or their families.

UKT must take sides with young people who want to feel included in higher education and have noble ideals to make a real contribution to their nation.

Chairman of the Nusantara Awakening Party, Anas Urbaningrum, said that the position of the state should not be like a corporation seeking profit from its consumers (read: the people). Prabowo Subianto's statement that he dared to commit and act towards the UKT polemic was considered by Anas as a breath of fresh air and gave hope.

"Pak Prabowo Subianto explained his commitment and attitude. This should deserve to be judged as a breath of fresh air. There is hope. Previously, he even dared to commit (read: political promises) which were even sweeter. Namely: on public campuses, free lectures!," wrote Anas Urbaningrum in his social media account, which was taken by VOI, Sunday, May 26.

Anas said that if students at public campuses were all free, it would be unfair too. Moreover, if everything is free, the state budget will break. "The government certainly can't. Families who are quite capable of not hoping and don't need to go to lecture programs are free," he said.

Anas continued, the term UKT which is very minimal is important to be elaborated and obtained technical translation. According to Anas, UKT does not have to be very minimal either but it is enough for parents to feel that the country is present and the government defends it.

"What is needed is a reasonable UKT. Even if someone has to go up, the calculation is not heartburning and scary," said Anas Urbaningrum.

Anas advised Prabowo to start paying off his promises and commitments from now on by inviting Nadiem Makariem to meet and talk about the nation's vision in the future. The goal is clear so that there are no more prospective students who choose to turn around and bury their dreams of going to campus, because of the terrible UKT numbers.

"As a smart young person, Pak Nadiem can digest it well. Once again, there is no need for free. It is enough for UKT to represent the presence of the state to create education justice," said Anas.

Anas added that higher education is one of the bases for the nation's civilization and it is not difficult to understand this meaning. "Let the nation's children be able to maintain their beautiful dreams of Indonesia with a people-friendly UKT," he concluded.

Former Chancellor of Paramadina University Anies Baswedan also spoke up by reminding how important higher education is in Indonesia. According to Anies, higher education can increase a person's economic and social status.

"In Indonesia, higher education is a socio-economic escalator. Those who get access to higher education, have higher job opportunities, higher welfare opportunities," said Anies.

He also hopes that the solution to the UKT problem will not rely on the percentage increase in the budget alone. However, it also discusses basic matters such as the burden taken by the state so that it is not borne by the family.

"The problem is very simple. The cost of higher education is expensive, to whom it is charged? To the family or state? That is the basic thing. As long as it is not resolved, we only discuss the percentage that will never be completed. If the cost is borne by the family, it is greater than the state, then those who are able to feel higher education are those who are already prosperous," he said.

DPR Asks PTN To Be Supervised

Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR Abdul Fikri Faqih said that the increase in single tuition fees (UKT) was not only experienced by law enforcement students (PTN BH). PTN Business Service Agency (BLU) also experienced a similar increase.

The findings were obtained from student complaints about the increase in UKT which was considered unnatural some time ago.

"Initially, because this (UKT increased) assumption was because it became PTN BH, it turned out that there were friends, younger siblings, not only PTN BH students, the PTN BH had not even increased," said Abdul Fikri, in a discussion on the MNC Trijaya Polemic entitled Later We'll Tell About UKT Today', Saturday (18/5/2024).

Abdul Fikri was shocked when he heard the number of UKT increases which even reached three times as before.

"The increase is from Rp. 2.5 million to Rp. 10 million, from Rp. 4 million to Rp. 14 million, millions, and so on, three times and so on," he said.

Member of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Putra Nababan said that not only the Single Lecture Money (UKT) was of concern. He asked for the base money or Institutional Development Contribution (IPI) to also be the government's attention. In this case, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek).

The base money or IPI is the tuition fee that is paid once during college for new students who are accepted through independent channels at state universities (PTN). The application of IPI takes into account the ability of parents He conveyed that the amount of IPI must be done by taking into account the ability of parents. In addition, the application of UKT can also be given an appeal space for prospective new students (maba) who cannot afford it.

"I ask that IPI must be carried out by taking into account the ability of parents of new students to pay IPI from groups 3 to groups 8," he said, during a Commission X Working Meeting with the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology at the Nusantara II Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 21.

He said PTN must be able to provide space to appeal UKT for prospective new students who are unable to pay UKT at the university.

"In my opinion, PTN needs to be monitored, and must be able to provide space (to apply for) an appeal to UKT for prospective new students who are unable to pay UKT at the university," he added.

Loan Burden For Students Should Not Be Used As A Solution

In the midst of the high UKT in 2024, there is an instant solution, namely an education loan or student loan. In February 2024, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani discussed the development of a student loan. Previously, in 2018, President Joko Widodo also asked banks to design a student loan system.

Student loan is an educational loan that provides opportunities for students to obtain education funds. There are two common types of educational loan systems, namely mortgage loans and income-based loans.

Mortgage loans are loans that have a fixed payment period. These loans often burden large payments, especially for those with low income, and are at high risk of default. This loan model is widely used in countries such as the United States, Canada, the Philippines, and Thailand.

Meanwhile, income-based loans are a model where borrowers can start paying off loans after their income reaches a certain amount. With this model, the duration of payment is not set from the start, so the risk of default can be reduced. This model is implemented in countries such as Australia, Sweden, the UK, and Germany.

However, this student loan scheme has received strong criticism from the public who are worried that this will be even more burdensome. The chairman of Commission X DPR RI, Syaiful Huda hopes that the student loan will be the last solution in overcoming the high cost of UKT.

He revealed that the government must find ways other than student loans to overcome the high cost of UKT. Moreover, the education budget is very large, namely Rp665 trillion in 2024. This is the last solution. The 20 percent budget allocation is equivalent to Rp665 trillion, if it is entirely for the function of education, I think the student loan scheme is not needed," he explained.

This politician from the PKB faction emphasized that the government should streamline the amount of education budget so that UKT costs can be affordable as well as provide community relief in accessing higher education.

He is concerned that the current condition is that the cost of studying at PTN is much more expensive than private universities. This certainly does not reflect the government's commitment to educating the nation's life through education.

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