
JAKARTA - It seems to be a futile effort, from the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy to reduce the number of COVID-19 infections. Because there are still many people who commit violations of the PSBB, one of which is those who crowd at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

At least in the past week, media portals have been busy reporting on the crowd of potential passengers at Soekarno-Hatta Airport at the time of the PSBB implementation. Many netizens on social media regretted the incident, while other people were staying at home to reduce the number of COVID-19 infections.

"Most netizens are inflamed because they feel that their efforts to stay at home for 2 months, with the hope that the pandemic will end in vain after seeing the incident," quoted VOI from Netray, Tuesday, May 19.

Based on the results of monitoring by the Netray analysis site, at least 7,083 warganet tweets on Twitter related to the buildup of potential passengers at Soetta Airport. Where the majority of netizens are disappointed with the physical distancing violations that occurred at the International Airport.

Table of data on PSBB violations at Soekarno-Hatta Airport (doc. Netray)

Moreover, the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, who had announced to provide a little relaxation of transportation regulations during the PSBB. Another opinion says that the government has not been serious in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The combination of the policies of the Indonesian government and the people who are opportunistic and reckless will make this country last safe from the COVID-19 pandemic," wrote the netizen in his tweet.

Not only netizens, this incident also drew criticism from various parties. Deputy Chairman of Commission V of the DPR RI, Nurhayati Monoarfa, criticized how airport security forces did not apply physical distancing or maintain a safe distance from one another.

Warganet Comment (doc. Netray)

Ombudsman commissioner, Alvin Lie, also regretted the booming portrait of passengers without clear rules regarding health protocols or physical distancing .

"This shows the weak coordination between Angkasa Pura II as the airport manager, then the airport authority as the front guard of the Ministry of Transportation, Directorate General of Civil Aviation with the airlines and the COVID-19 task force," said Alvin.

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