
JAKARTA The internet search giant from China, Baidu, has denied allegations that his company had an internal data leak. This allegation comes after the teenage daughter of one of Baidu's vice presidents, Xie Guangjun, posted other users' personal information online. This sparked major controversy.

Baidu, who is also one of China's largest cloud service providers, has been in the spotlight since last week after internet users accused daughter Xie Guangjun of sharing other people's personal data, such as phone numbers, after being involved in online debates.

In his statement, Baidu emphasized that all employees and executives, without exception, are prohibited from accessing user data. The company also explained that the information posted by the teenager came from an illegal database (doxing databases) on foreign platforms that collect personal data from hacking.

Baidu jufga said he had reported the case to authorities regarding the spread of false information, including claims that the teenager admitted his father had given him access to the company's database.

Xie Guangjun, who is part of Baidu's cloud division, apologized on Monday, March 18 for her daughter's behavior. According to Chinese media reports, in a post on her personal WeChat account, Xie said that the information her daughter obtained came from foreign social media sites.

Until now, Xie has not responded to requests for comments sent via Baidu or his LinkedIn account.

In recent years, China has tightened regulations related to personal data, including introducing comprehensive data protection laws to suppress illegal trading of personal information. However, the black market selling personal data, such as date of birth and ownership of vehicles and houses, is still rampant.

The incident resulted in Baidu's shares, which fell more than 4% in trading on the Hong Kong Exchange on Thursday morning, March 20.

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