
YOGYAKARTA - Artificial intelligence (AI) technology provides a new atmosphere for humans in the fast-paced era as it is today. This is because AI can help humans in analyzing problems, can be made partners in brainstorming or discussions, and also create images and videos in a short time. In order to get results according to what is desired, of course, we must understand how or guide to make prompts well. Prompt is a guide or order in the form of text we write for AI.

Furthermore, AI will provide the appropriate output from the user. Therefore, the formulation of the prompt must contain context, detail, and complete. Well, for a more complete explanation regarding the guidelines, see below.

Quoted from the Description page, below are some tips that you can practice while writing the AI prompt.

Write a prompt specifically and briefly. Try not to make long-winded and ambiguous sentences in order to get results that suit your wishes. Here are specific prompt examples:

"Explain how photosynthesis works in simple terms for high school science projects. Focus on the steps that occur during photosynthesis and the importance of photosynthesis for the ecosystem".

To help AI it is easier to understand what you want, you can add context in the prompt. For example, you want to make a child's birthday invitation letter using AI, then add context as follows:

"I have a son named Agung who will be 5 years old on November 21, 2024. I plan to throw a birthday party for him at my house in South Jakarta. His list of invitations is close friends and family. Write down party invitations to be sent to an email invitation."

There are many AI tools that you can use, for example ChatGPT to produce text, DALL-E to produce images, and others. To create a good prompt, you must understand the tool function used.

For example, to produce images on the DALL-E tools, you can't just write, 'Create pictures of cats that are eating'. However, give a visual description in detail, for example what color cat hair is, what food is consumed, where cats are eating, and other details.

If you want to ask AI, try asking an open question. Open questions will get you a longer and more comprehensive answer.

Thus, instead of asking 'Is running good for health?', you can replace it with the question 'What are the advantages and lacks of running every day for health?

If AI provides an answer that is not in line with expectations, you should not give up immediately. You can help AI understand your intent by providing feedback.

For example, you can write like, "You mentioned X, but I'm actually looking for information about Y. Can you explain the part I'm looking for?".

Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai panduan membuat prompt AI. Semoga bermanfaat. Semoga bermanfaat. Kunjungi untuk mendapatkan informasi menarik lainnya.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by