
JAKARTA - About ten official websites in Italy, including the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and two airports in Milan, were targeted by hackers on Saturday, December 28 yesterday.

A Russian hacker group called No Name057 (16), through their Telegram channel, claimed responsibility for the cyberattacks that occurred there.

The Italian cybersecurity agency or Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN) on its official website said that the attack, most likely an attack, was a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

As a result, this DDoS attack made the location of the Milan-Malpensa airport, Milan-Linate airport, and also the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website inaccessible in no time.

However, these sites are now all back online and functioning again after mitigation activities carried out by relevant party technicians with the support of the Computer Security Incident Response Team, CSIRT Italia, from ACN.

"In the case of the airport concerned, the brief impact of the attack only concerns the sites available to users, not the system that regulates the flow of flights, or the applications or websites of each airline," ACN said.

According to them, this attack came as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which caused pro-Russian hacker groups to step up cyber attacks on European countries, as is the case in Italy today.

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