
JAKARTA - After experiencing delays until next year, the latest title from developer of Ivy Road, Wanderstop, will certainly be launched on March 11, 2025 for PS5 and PC.

In this game, you will play a former tournament fighter named Alta who must rule out his problematic past to manage a charming shop and brew tea for his various customers.

Not only guarding the store, you will also be able to decorate the store as you wish. However, there is an unknown power behind all that, a power that Alta does not seem to be accepting.

In a press release, Creative Director Davey Wreden said that Wanderstop's gameplay was born from the many inner pressures he experienced, and that comfort turned out to be an interesting creative restraint as he thought of characters struggling with despair.

"Strengthening oneself from saturation and finding inner peace is a difficult and messy process. My hope is that the Alta story can help the players reflect on their own way of life and find a glimmer of hope and peace that everyone in their lives really needs," Wreden said.

Meanwhile, Director of Communications, Ivy Road, Jenny Angin said they took from the base of many narrative and comfortable games to explore challenging topics.

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