
JAKARTA - SMPK Badminton Banjarmasin won the National Champion KIHAJAR STEM 2023, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. This was achieved after successfully passing the final stage which on November 17, 2023 at building A Kemendikbudristek, Jakarta.

Marvello Sunny Wijaya, Michael Frede, SMPrick Sindunata, and Alfanno Husodo who are students from SMPK Amazing Banjarmasin who managed to advance to the final round of the KIHAJAR STEM 2023 and won the overall champion. The three of them won the title with a project that utilized the majaai plant which was widely found in the South Kalimantan area, to be able to overcome the stunting that is rampant in the population of children in Indonesia.

In the competition, the three students of SMPK Amazed by Banjarmasin chose the theme Food Security and Nutrition in KIHAJAR STEM 2023. Under the guidance of Andreas Febri Kris Kurniadi, who is a teacher from SMPK Kristen, they chose to examine the benefits of local plants Kelakakai which is easy to find and quite popular in the Banjarmasin area., "We also chose to be the object of research and materials brought to take part in the Kihajar STEM 2023 competition," said Andreas.

It is known that the Majalai plant is a type of nail called lemidy (Stenochlaena hammerstris) and is known as a joke in Central Kalimantan. The joke is found in the island of Kalimantan and its habitat in peat soil areas, freshwater, and shrubs. The joke has two types, red color and green color. In conducting research, the joke contains iron and vitamin C which is quite high, so it can be used to overcome stunting cases that are rampant in Indonesia. Andreas added, From the results of consultations with nutrition doctors, the risk of stunting can be higher when teenagers or women are pregnant is deficient in iron. Our research is in line with national issues and local governments that are focusing on dealing with stunting

According to Andreas, the trials that have been carried out so far are only to take part in the competition. But there is indeed a desire to continue this research until it is inaugurated and licensed by BPOM, so that Marvello, Michael and Alfanno research works do not stop in the race stage. But moreover, it can be taken out of SMPK Badminton Banjarmasin and can provide wider benefits to the people in Indonesia.

As we all know that, KIHAJAR STEM itself is an annual Competition Program organized by the Center for Technology Platform Service (BLPT) Pusdatin Kemendikbudristek. This program is followed by a team as a forum for exploration for students in Indonesia to have Christian, creative, collaborative, and communicative thinking skills in solving problems based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). ) "The purpose of this program is so that our students get used to thinking Christianly, creatively, collaboratively and able to communicate in solving STEM-based problems (Science, Technology, Economy and Mathematics)", said Muhammad Hasan Chabibie as Head of Pusdatin Kemendikbudristek

Suharti as Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture also expressed his deep appreciation to students who have excelled in realizing concern for the environment and as well as using technology for the convenience of the wider community. This appreciation was conveyed through his speech at KIHAJAR STEM 2023

"Congratulations also to the children, students who received appreciation from Gen KIHAJAR 2023. You have proven that learning is not only in class. You have proven your concern for the environment."

This achievement is not the first time Christian School has participated in KIHAJAR STEM. In 2022, Christian School Inaugurated Banjarmasin even came out as the overall champion with skincare product research that utilizes nutrition from hyacinth.

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