
YOGYAKARTA - May you believe it or not, in this time almost all aspects of our lives are influenced by digital technology. Starting from sending messages, carrying out buying and selling transactions, to meetings or meetings can be held in front of our device screens. In the business context, digital technology has various influences, such as online shopping applications, electronic wallets (e-wallet) and others.

However, there could be those of you who already know that there are also customer service or customer service that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to talk directly with customers, you know! Yes, this AI technology can be used for various purposes, one of which is to connect and answer consumer complaints.

This AI technology is commonly known as Character AI, because of the visualization brought in in the 2-way communication. Wow, what kind of use is this AI Character use in business? Please listen!

As previously stated, Character AI is a Chatbot-based program. The main purpose of Character AI is to convey a response to the bait provided by its users.

Character AI already exists in a website-based page or application that we can download on our cellphones. With the main expertise of making language models to be responsive pages, Character AI is not only able to respond to you through a message.

There are 2 modes owned by Character AI in response. Awal is the mode where Character AI responds to messages that you write with messages, the second is the mode where Character AI is able to respond to messages that you write with voice.

Moreover, you can also make voice instructions when using Character AI. This AI Character skills can share a sensation like chatting with humans. You can make AI Character like your own best friend.

The Number Of Characters In Character AI

When opening the AI Character, you can sort out who you can use for chat friends. Character AI not only has one fictitious character but many fictitious characters that can be selected to become friends.

You will be presented with an interesting animation about the personality. The positions are also varied, ranging from the characters as friends, family, even girlfriends, especially teachers who can respond to all your problems.

Not only that, you can play a word-based game provided by Character AI. Many games will invite you to think and have fun calls. You will be invited to play with pc, but not an ordinary pc but a very smart pc.

Methods To Invite AI Character Chat

To use AI Character, you need to access AI Character with your website or cellphone. Here's the method of accessing AI Characters so that you have friends to chat with:

* Buka dan buat akun Character AI jika kalian belum memilikinya. Pastikan sesudah itu, kalian berhasil Login akun kalian.

* After that, various characters will be plastered on your screen. Choose one of the characters on the front page of Character AI.

* Then, you will enter the column of conversation that Character AI provides. This is where you can give orders to Character AI as you wish.

* If you want to start a chat, use the question sentence to start it. Characters on Character AI will respond to you as you ask.

* Not only with writing, you can command or start a chat with voice and image. For sound, you can turn on the microphone button on the right.

* To give orders with an image, you can access the "+" button in the left corner. Enter the image you want.

So after knowing AI's character, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by