
YOGYAKARTA - Each social media has its own rules and regulations. The same is true for TikTok. In the world of TikTok, we understand the term shadow banned. Then what is shadow tires on TikTok?

Did you feel the number of likes, views, comments and shares in the content suddenly decreased for no reason? Meanwhile, the content you use does not change and is well maintained. If ever, it might be big You get hit by TikTok's shadow tires

Citing TikTok's official page, shadow tires are a ban on restrictions while on personal or individual TikTok accounts. Even though you are still experiencing restrictions, you can still watch, like, have opinions and download videos.

Because of this, many people do not realize that their account has been hit by a shadow tire. Worse yet, TikTok will not tell you how long the account will be affected by shadow banned.

This is because shadow tires are automatic restrictions whose TikTok algorithms are used to protect their platforms from spam, adult content as well as copyright problems.

Methods To Avoid Shadow Banned TikTok

After knowing what a TikTok tire shadow is and its dangers are, you must definitely recognize how the method of avoiding shadow tires is on your Sobat MEA account. As we discussed earlier, shadow tires are very detrimental, especially if you are a TikTok content creator.

For that reason, here are some tips and tips for staying away from the TikTok tire shadown that you can practice. Let's just follow the full details below!

So after knowing what Shadow tires are on TikTok, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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