
JAKARTA - Positive news came from Hedera Hashgraph, the HBAR crypto publisher. Hedera reportedly integrated popular Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, into its network. This is an interesting innovation between blockchain technology and AI.

Through integration, ChatGPT can safely interact with Hedera networks and essential services such as Hedera Consensus Service (HCS), Hedera Token Service (HTS), and Smart Contract Service, as reported by Coinppe.

By using ChatGPT for HBAR, users can easily connect ChatGPT with the Hedera network and access HBAR balances and tokens from their accounts. This integration provides convenience for users to monitor and manage their assets freely.

Accounts in Hedera are entities stored in blockchain ledger technology that store tokens, including HBAR, exchangeable tokens, and NFTs made in Hedera. Developers Ed Marquez shared how users can create thislev via Twitter. He highlighted that token balances from Hedera accounts can be viewed via Network Explorer and can be obtained through REST API from the mirror node Hedera.

Onceiri dikembangkan dan API berjalan, pengguna dapat menginstaskan kiosk tersebut pada interkasi ChatGPT. Dengan senjak yang aktif, ChatGPT dapat menjawab pertanyaan seputar HBAR dan balancetung token akun Hedera dengan melakukan permintaan ke API mirror node Hedera untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan.

Integration between ChatGPT and Hedera's network through this task brings great benefits to users in optimizing the experience of interacting with blockchain, helping to manage assets, and maintaining better security of their transactions.

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