The Importance Of Writing Effective Prompt To Get The Right Response From ChatGPT
Writing a good ChatGPT prompt to get the right response (photo: dock. pexels).


JAKARTA - Writing a good ChatGPT prompt to get the right and relevant response is very important. For the ChatGPT artificial intelligence (AI) model to produce the information needed, a clear and accurate context is needed so that ChatGPT can better understand the goals and scope of user questions.

What is promotion in ChatGPT?

In OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot, promotion is a process of providing input or instructions to language models to get the desired response. This involves creating a prompt or question that directs the AI model in understanding the tasks or subjects in question. Prompt can be in the form of questions, statements, or other types of input that instruct models to generate coherent and relevant responses.

The effectiveness and quality of the prompt significantly affect the outcome of the AI model output. Clear instructions and contexts are given in well-written prompts, which encourage more accurate responses. This helps establish the atmosphere, outline the information format in question, and direct the deductionive reasoning of the model.

For example, a question like "What is the French capital?" would be simple and direct, leading to a clear answer. On the other hand, a general question like "I think something about France" can result in a broader response that may or may not contain the information the user is looking for.

Users can maximize the use of ChatGPT and increase the outcome of their interaction with language models by learning how to compose and provide effective advice.

How to write a good ChatGPT prompt? Here are some important things that need to be considered when including context in the prompt:

Topics or specified subjects

Determine the desired topic or theme clearly. This establishes context, and ChatGPT must produce a response that suits the requested subject.

Background information

Provide relevant background information on topics. This can include applicable information, background context, or other information needed to understand questions or requests.

Limits and limits

Explain any restrictions or restrictions to help focus on responses. Users must state explicitly in the prompt if they require a response within a certain time or from a certain point of view.


Users must clearly state what information or reactions they are looking for from ChatGPT. State clearly the desired result - be it a particular solution, explanation, or recommendation - allowing ChatGPT to provide a more individual and precise response.

Users can provide an example or an appropriate scenario that best describes the particular situation or setting they mean. This can help ChatGPT understand the situation better and generate more relevant and contextual responses.

Be Careful of bias

Although ChatGPT seeks to provide unbiased and informative responses, sometimes these models can reflect the biases that exist in training data. If users look for a balanced or impartial perspective in a problem or do subjective questions, they can ask for a balanced or impartial approach in their response.

Check and verify responses

Although with the prompts that have been prepared carefully, it is important to check the answers given by ChatGPT. If necessary, compare the information with other trusted sources or seek advice from related experts. Remember that ChatGPT is a language model and does not always provide an appropriate or comprehensive response.

Directive at system level

Users can provide a more common direct ChatGPT to direct their behavior. For example, they can choose the desired level of detail ("give a brief summary") or the desired point of view (an answer as a scientist") in their response.

By providing a clear and detailed context to ChatGPT, users make it easier for these models to understand demand and produce solutions that meet their needs. If the initial result is not satisfactory, keep trying and modifying the prompt, and remember that ChatGPT doesn't always provide a perfect or fully accurate response.

By understanding and mastering good prompt writing techniques, users can increase their interaction with ChatGPT and gain more precise, relevant, and useful responses to using this artificial intelligence model.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by