
LinkedIn, a subsidiary of Microsoft Corp, announced on Thursday 15 June that it is developing video advertising products that will allow marketers to target users of this professional network site as they watch content on streaming services.

The move comes after LinkedIn introduced the artificial intelligence (AI) feature to help marketers write ad content, as part of a strategy to develop its advertising business at a time when economic uncertainty has affected the advertising budget.

"Video footage in the stream can change the way brands and buyers reach and engage their audience," Penry Price, vice president of marketing solutions at LinkedIn, told Reuters.

LinkedIn's revenue in the last 12 months reached more than 14 billion US dollars (Rp208.8 trillion), and in the third quarter of the 2023 financial year, revenue increased 8% compared to the previous year.

The company generates revenue from advertising sales and subscriptions for job seekers, job seekers, and sales professionals.

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