
JAKARTA - One day after introducing the Vision Pro headset, Apple has reportedly acquired the Augmented Reality (AR) headset startup, Mira.

Mira herself is known to provide headsets for use on Mario Kart rides at Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Japan and Universal Studios Hollywood.

Based in Los Angeles, United States (US), Mira was built by a 2016 Ben Taft pads entrepreneur. This startup has quite a lot of investors.

There are also Blue Bear Capital, Happiness Ventures, and Sequoia, which have poured $17 million into Mira before Apple's acquisition.

The funds are used to develop the head-up and software display, which facilitates the creation of AR applications, games and experiences.

"Apple is buying technology companies that are smaller over time, and we generally don't talk about our goals or plans," Apple said of the acquisition to The Verge, quoted Wednesday, June 7.

There is no further information about how much funds Apple has disbursed to annex Mira. However, the startup is said to also have an active contract with the US Air Force and Navy.

Allegedly, Apple paid for Mira's acquisition at a high price. Apple has just launched a mixed reality headset (MR) or which combines AR/and Virtual Reality (VR).

Dijukuki Vision Pro, headset premium ini dibekali chip ganda dan memiliki 23 juta piksel, yang akan meluncur di pasar pada awal 2024. Hadirnya headset ini, menandaandakan perusahaan siap bersaing dengan harga yang dibanderol 3,499 dolar AS atau setara Rp52 juta.

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