Cyber Attacks Against Zellis Impacted On British Airways And Boots
British Airways, its employee payroll system is affected by cyber attacks. (photo: dock. pexels)


JAKARTA - British Airways and retail store Boots announced that their staff were among those affected by cyberattacks on Zellis, a payroll service provider used by hundreds of companies in the UK.

British Airways, which is owned by the IAG, said it had notified affected employees and provided support for them.

"We have been informed that we are one of the companies affected by the Cybersecurity incident that occurred through one of their third-party suppliers named MOVEIT," BA said in a statement on Monday, June 5.

Part of the Walgreens Boots Alliance, Boots said the attack had involved some of their employee's personal data.

"Our provider ensures that immediate steps are taken to disable the server," Boots said.

Boots has more than 50,000 employees in the UK, while British Airways has around 30,000 staff.

US security researchers warned on Thursday June 1 that hackers had stolen data from a system of users of the Transfer MOVEit file transfer device after the software maker disclosed a security vulnerability.

The compromised data includes national name, address and insurance numbers, according to the Daily Telegraph newspaper, which first reported which companies were affected by the breach.

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