
JAKARTA - Twitter has launched a feature that can make it easier for users to find new Lists or Lists to follow. However, this feature can only operate on the web version.

Previously, users had to create their own New List or view a List that others participated in on their profiles.

Although Twitter provides a Register recommendation, users are not given control to search for their own List.

Now, via the web version of the Register tab on Twitter, users just need to type the keyword into the new search bar that will be added, and scroll over the related List.

Looking for something? Now on web, you can search for Lists to find new ones you want to follow. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Launching The Verge, Wednesday, May 24, users can easily explore various types of lists in different categories they are interested in.

As the keyword Nintendo then shows how many members and followers the list has.

Unfortunately, this feature is still not available on the mobile app, and it's unclear when Twitter will launch it.

Recently, Twitter also launched the ability to send Direct Messages (DM) with audio. This feature is similar to the one owned by WhatsApp, Voice Note (VN).

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