
JAKARTA - Solana is getting more and more attention in the crypto world because of its ability to handle many users in the future. Solana Labs founder Anatoly Yakovenko, in a recent interview, said that Solana's network was ready to handle hundreds of millions of users.

According to him, currently Solana already has excess capacity and bandwidth infrastructure which is cheap enough to handle all the needs of the world's blockchain. However, Solana still needs to add applications to attract more users in the future.

Anatoly Yakovenko said that the Solana (SOL) network is ready to handle hundreds of millions of users. In a recent interview on the YouTube Token Terminal channel, Yakovenko said he believes the Ethereum (ETH) rival has the capacity to handle the world's blockchain needs.

"I can really see [Solana] handling all the world's needs because when you look at the current bandwidth infrastructure around the data center, one gigabit is a free layer. You get a box, they give you one free gigabit and the cost is less than one dollar per terabyte egress today, so currently bandwidth is very cheap," said Solana founder Anatoly Yakovenko.

According to Yakovenko, although Solana already has the ability to manage many users, it is still lacking in apps to attract a larger number of users.

"Every two years there is a new generation, so from my point of view, I think we can already handle hundreds of millions of users and we have excess capacity. We don't have an app to really attract that user."

Yakovenko melanjutkan dengan menyebut beberapa pendorong pertumbuhan yang mungkin dapat membawa lebih banyak orang ke jaringan Solana, termasuk Helium (HNT), jaringan perangkat IoT yang berhasil memigrasi ke blockchain Solana awal tahun ini, dan Hivemapper, alat mapping terdecentralisasi.

"Helium creates nearly a million IoT access points (Internet of Things), it's really cool. Imagine virtual tokens moving between people with cryptography affecting the physical world, there's nearly a million antennas generated from that, and they're going to try to do the same with 5G.

Hivemapper, on the other hand, is trying to map the rest of the world like Google Street View and there are 60 million kilometers in the world. They already have maps of 2 million kilometers, they just surpassed that, they are growing."

At the time of writing, the Solana (SOL) cryptocurrency is trading at IDR 314,411 per coin. Crypto number 11 based on its market capitalization has decreased 2.3 percent in the last 24 hours based on Coingecko data.

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