
YOGYAKARTA Did you know that Wifi's signal sometimes has limited range. No wonder sometimes we find weak wifi signals that have an impact on the slowness of the internet connection. To overcome this, you must know how to make Wifi's signal fast.

Wifi signals can weaken due to many factors such as being blocked by a mobile, problematic radio network, or other technical problems that are easily addressed. In order to get the Wifi signal fast and keep your computer device caught, you can do some ways to strengthen your Wifi signal below.

This method is very trivial, but powerful to strengthen Wifi's signal. Restarting on routers will help reduce the temperature of routers who have worked 24 hours in a row. Even users are advised to restart routers periodically.

This problem is sometimes not realized by users, even though setting the router position properly can affect Wifi's signal. Tips to put the correct Wifi router is not to put it near the jedela or the door so that the signal does not spread to the wrong area.

It is better to place the router in an area that has minimal barriers and in a high position. Do not place the router near electronic devices such as radio or television so that the signal emitted from the router is not disturbed.

Did you know that several electronic devices actually interfere with the spread to weakening Wifi signals at home?

For information, wireless devices that are commonly used usually work with a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz. On the other hand, many electronic devices use the same frequency. These tools include wireless phones, microwave ovens, baby monitors, and remote garage door openings. These tools have the potential to interfere with Wifi signals.

Access points are able to strengthen Wifi's signal well by adding additional routers. The router can be placed in other areas and then connect with the WiFi modem router with the LAN cable media. This method is very effective in strengthening Wifi's signal even though it is blocked by walls. Access points are also widely used in office places.

Wifi extension or repeater is a Wifi signal booster tool. Unlike access points, Wifi extender does not need LAN cables and the instalali is also easier. However, it must be noted that the resulting connection is sometimes unstable when compared to using the access point method.

Have you ever updated a firmware? This update is actually able to strengthen Wifi signals produced by routers. Updates are done by visiting a site that is your router producer. This method is sometimes forgotten but worth trying. But you should know the brand or manufacturer of the router whose name is usually attached to one of the routers.

Router technology continues to develop, therefore you have to pay attention to the router's life. Using an old router has the potential to weaken the Wifi signal so that it interferes with work.

Those are some ways to get a loud wifi signal. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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