
JAKARTA Mike▁Priamann or better known as Beeple, a famous digital artist, has again made an NFT world scene with his latest work, Long Road. The digital artwork was shown at the Live Everyday Performance event held at Beeple Studios on March 11, 2023.

Long Road is a special concern because there is #51 Artifact with a mysterious black PNG format entitled "???" in it. Beeple Studios provides 50 Everyday Arts produced by Beeple, as well as more than 900 printouts with red points that can be exchanged for NFT in the future.

Beeple himself is a digital artist and graphic designer from the United States. He is widely known in the crypto and NFT communities for successfully selling NFT digital art for 69 million US dollars (equivalent to Rp1 trillion) in Christie's auction in March 2021.

"Everydays" is a project where Beeple makes and shares digital artwork every day. It started the project on May 1, 2007, and continues until now. Each artwork is made using digital tools such as 3D modeling software, motion graphs, and digital images with surreal, sci-fi, and dystopian themes.

Puzzle enthusiasts around the world are trying to solve the mystery behind #51 Artifact in Long Road digital artwork. Beeple and Christie's held the official opening of Beeple Studios in feasibility, South Carolina on March 11, 2023. At the event, Beeple performed live 'Everyday Performance' and made 50 Everyday Arts.

The invited guests who attended also received a surprise because every work that was successfully completed had been printed through a hidden printer on the gallery's ceiling, as reported by NFT Evening.

Beeple includes Long Road NFT into its "Everydays" collection. It updated metadata for all NFTs in the Everyday Arts collection, including the #51 puzzling Artifacts.

To date, no one has succeeded in claiming Long Road NFT and the mystery behind #51 Artifact remains a hot topic of conversation in the NFT community. With Beeple's latest digital artwork, it makes the world of NFT even more dumbfounded and admired it.

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