
JAKARTA - Data from Kaspersky's annual report entitled "The State of Stalkerware" revealed that in 2022, there were 29,312 individuals worldwide affected by the sneakerware. This number shows a decline compared to 32,694 users affected in 2021.

According to Kaspersky Security Network in 2022, Russia, Brazil, India, Iran, and the United States are the top five countries most affected by the smelterware.

Then followed by the countries of Turkey, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Mexico which are included in the list of the top ten most affected countries. Meanwhile, Indonesia itself is ranked 19th with 269 users affected by the sneakerware in 2022.

Stalkerware is a commercially available software that can be installed separately on smartphone devices, allowing perpetrators to monitor every step of a person's personal life without their knowledge.

Because the perpetrator requires physical access (and code) to a device, the stakerware is often used in abusive relationships. Although the data collected by Kaspersky is anonymized, other studies show that most of those affected by this form of digital violence are women.

It is important to remember that digital violence is another dimension of violence, and needs to be understood as a series of offline violence with real and negative effects on victims.

Elena Gajotto, vice president and project manager at Una Casa per l'Uomo agrees that cyberstalking has a real impact on the real life of those experiencing it.

"There are psychological, physical, and social effects in the medium to long term that we see every day at our anti-violence centers. Cyberstalking includes various types of behavior such as continuous messaging, monitoring the victim's activities, or other forms of online pursuit, and as the same study states, "may cyberstalking be just an additional tool in stalking devices", continued Gajotto.

This update will not only notify users of the existence of methamphetamineware on devices, but also warns users that if the spyware is removed, people who install the software will be notified.

"Thousands of people are victims of the sneakerware every year. Given its clear connection with violence, this is a worrying trend, therefore we work at different spectral ends to address this problem," said Christina Jankowski, Senior External Relations Manager at Kaspersky.

Jankowski also revealed the reasons behind this update. He said that if the software was removed, evidence that the stakeware had been installed, and if the perpetrator lost control of the device, the situation might increase.

"Our mission is to ensure that the victims understand the best action to provide the safest outcomes, and reverse the trend against this form of digital violence," he concluded.

Finally, Kaspersky is also working with experts and organizations in the scope of domestic violence, ranging from victims' support services and violent perpetrator programs to research institutions and the government, to share knowledge and professional support for victims.

In June 2022, Kaspersky launched a website to share more information about TinyCheck, an unpaid, secure, and easy-to-use tool from the methamphetamine and monitoring app.

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