
The hybrid solar eclipse will hit Indonesia in 2023. The news of this rare celestial phenomenon was conveyed by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). Many people are curious about the timing and location of the hybrid solar eclipse.

Hybrid solar eclipses can be observed from various regions in Indonesia. The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) also conveyed several areas that will be passed by this celestial phenomenon. However, there are still many who do not know what a hybrid solar eclipse is.

Sun eclipses are events when the moon is in the middle of the sun, so sunlight is blocked to the earth. While the hybrid sun eclipse is a state when the sun, moon, and earth are in a precise position.

Dr Johan Muhamad, M.Sc, researcher at the BRIN Space Research Center, said that a hybrid solar eclipse is a solar eclipse that appears from parts of the earth experiencing two types of eclipses, namely a total solar eclipse and a ring solar eclipse.

The shadow of the moon created during the hybrid solar eclipse is three kinds of shadow, namely antumbra, penumbra, and umbra. The area that the image of the antumbra goes through, the GHM gence that can be observed is the ring's solar eclipse.

While in areas passed by the shadow of the penumbra, the eclipse that can be observed is a partial solar eclipse. In certain other areas affected by the umbra's shadow, the eclipse that can be observed is a total solar eclipse.

Based on information released by BMKG, the hybrid solar eclipse will occur on April 20, 2023. Hybrid solar eclipses are a natural phenomenon that is special because they are a rare type of eclipse.

"The Hybrid Sun Eclipse (GMH) April 20, 2023, which can be observed from Indonesia," said BMKG on the official website.

Hybrid solar eclipses can be observed in several areas in Indonesia. The GMH that passes through Indonesia is in the form of a total solar eclipse and a partial solar eclipse. The ring solar eclipse cannot be seen from Indonesia.

The total solar eclipse can be observed in eastern Indonesia, namely Maluku, Papua, and West Papua. Some areas north of Aceh Province will not experience GMH. Meanwhile, in other parts of Indonesia, a partial solar eclipse will be observed. The time of the hybrid solar eclipse is different in each region.

The area through which the earliest hybrid solar eclipses are in West Java and Parigi, namely at 09.25 WIB. Meanwhile, the last GHM appearance was in Meureudu, Aceh, which was at 10.43 WIB.

Forecasts of total solar eclipse sightings can be observed in Biak, Papua Province, starting at 12.20 WIT. The peak of the eclipse occurred at 13.57 WIT. Meanwhile, in Jakarta, the partial solar eclipse began at 09.29 WIB and peaked at 10.45 WIB.

BRIN explained that solar eclipses can be seen safely using the help of several tools. To see eclipse sightings, you can use a telescope equipped with a solar filter, special glasses for solar eclipses, a telephoto lens DSLR camera equipped with a solar filter, and through a needle.

That is information on the timing and location of the hybrid solar eclipse. BRIN researchers say that this phenomenon of solar eclipse is interesting for researchers in Indonesia to do research. In addition, this solar eclipse can also be a means of education for the community, especially children, to study science.

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