
JAKARTA - A new global survey conducted by Kaspersky entitled 'The smart home of almost everything: From the budget to TV, how we'll embrace the year of the virtual assistant in 2023' reveals obstacles, as well as use of smart home devices.

According to the survey, more than half of consumers (56%) who own smart home equipment or smart homes, feel responsible for their cybersecurity.

Lebih dari itu, Kaspersky melihat beberapa daftar perangkat yang banyak menimbulkan kekhawatiran konsumennya, yang di antaranya adalah kamera yang terhubung ke internet untuk memantau bayi pet serta pintu dan key smart.

According to the survey, 31 percent of consumers said they were concerned about the cameras to monitor the baby and pets. While the other 30 percent are also concerned about smart key devices in their homes. Because according to them, both cases are "very concerning issues."

The next data regarding the least-worry device for users is smart cleaning devices such as internet-connected dust suction, with 35 percent saying safety is of no concern to them at all. The same applies to climate control systems (32%) and smart lighting (34%).

"As smart device adoption rates increase, we see users pay more attention to security and try to ensure the best experience when building long-term relationships with their gadgets. It also shows that in the future, we may see IoT device manufacturers and internet service providers support their business ecosystem by paying more attention to cybersecurity, as well as the possibility of integrating cybersecurity features into their offerings, to meet consumer expectations," said Marina Titova, VP Consumer Product Marketing at Kaspersky.

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