
YOGYAKARTA The weakness of ChatGPT is one of the things that is highlighted by the public. Although this technology is integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots, the resulting information does not always satisfy its users.

As is known, ChatGPT is a search engine created by OpenAi and supported by Microsoft. This machine is starting to be widely used by the public for various purposes such as searching for information to creating content.

The way ChatGPT works itself cannot be separated from the elements of language that become a tool for human communication. Meanwhile, ChatGPT data is taken from a database inputted by humans. This condition allows an error in providing an answer.

Chatgpt's mistake includes many things, especially those related to language. Some of the weaknesses felt by users are as follows, quoted from various sources.

Language is a complex communication tool. Even humans sometimes need a long time to understand the information conveyed through language. This is also a problem with ChatGPT.

ChatGPT has not been able to understand the elements of language. Sometimes this technology also fails to understand language complexities, so it takes a simplification of the language of questions raised by humans through this chatbot. This chatbot often fails to understand the context of the language contained in user questions.

The answers given by ChatGPT sometimes do not match what humans want. The response given by ChatGPT is sometimes only based on the popularity of a topic in a certain period of time.

ChatGPT sometimes provides answers to questions sourced from research journals or other articles available on the Internet. This answer applies to technical and non-technical questions such as poetry or essays.

When you ask a question on the ChatGPT, there must be a re-evaluation of the results given. Because sometimes this chatbot provides a wrong answer so that humans must be careful and re-evaluate the ChatGPT answer.

For now, ChatGPT is still limited to text questions. Chatbots have not been able to process sounds or images given by humans. On the other hand, human questions are sometimes difficult to realize in the form of text.

ChatGPT doesn't seem to really present facts and which opinions, so there is the opportunity to spread wrong answers. This needs to be watched out for by humans so as not to fall further into false information.

The answer given by ChatGPT does not represent experts. For example, someone asks about programming. ChatGPT will give an amazing answer to the programming language, while for a professional programmer, ChatGPT's answer could be a very common thing.

Some sources say that ChatGPT has not been able to provide the source of information he offers to humans. This condition is certainly quite dangerous considering that many content is wrong on the internet. That way ChatGPT cannot be used as a reference for truth for an answer.

The data base on the current ChatGPT is still limited. The chatbot only relies on the training provided by OpenAI. Even the training ended in 2021. That way the internal and new information seems to have not been read by ChatGPT.

Server ChatGPT turns out to be still limited. If the number of ChatGPT users is too many then there is the potential for an error.

In addition to Chatgpt's weakness, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by